GEMS Blog for Advisors

September 14, 2018

GEMS – Unsatisfactory Progress

Please note our new submission process for Low Scholarship / Unsatisfactory Progress. This is a temporary process while GEMS works with our technical team to integrate this process entirely into MyGradProgram.

If you have already submitted documents for a particular student, please do not resubmit.

To submit a probation status recommendation:
1. Access the Sharepoint list via this secure URL.
2. Click the “New” button.
3. Complete the submission form. The last item on the form requires an attachment. Please upload a copy of the unsatisfactory progress letter* for review.
4. Click “Save.”

A few notes about this system:

  • The list is permission controlled. Those in the GPA and GPC groups should have access to make submissions. If you do not have access, please email
  • Access is limited to your NetID. You will be able to view entries that were submitted from your NetID but not any other NetID.
  • One of the form items requests a link to your handbook or department policy which outlines your internal policy regarding satisfactory progress. This should be a document that has been made available to your students. This item is requested but not required at this time.
  • Our technical team is working hard to integrate this process into MyGrad. We realize this process is not ideal and thank you for your cooperation in the interim.

The deadline to submit recommendations to drop students for unsatisfactory progress is the fifth day of class each quarter. Probation and final probation recommendations are due no later than the tenth day of class each quarter. (Warning status does not require Graduate School notification.)

*All unsatisfactory progress letters will be reviewed by the Graduate School: 

The letters to the students must be signed by the Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC) or Program Chair and should include:

1) a well-documented statement of the circumstances involved;

2) steps to remove the probation status and return to good academic standing and;

3) outlined consequences if the student fails to fulfill those steps.

Please notify the Director of GEMS (Julia Carlson) prior to sending a drop status letter. (Guidelines for determining a student’s status are located in Graduate School Memorandum 16.) If you have additional questions or need a recommendation reviewed prior to notifying the student, please contact Julia Carlson at 543-8720 or

Thank you,