GEMS Blog for Advisors

December 29, 2020

Minimum Admissions Requirements & New Help File

Advisors are encouraged to review UW Admissions Procedures, which explains the roles of the Graduate School and the graduate programs in graduate admissions (forward this information to your admissions committees as needed).

  1. The following Graduate School minimum requirements should be confirmed prior to an offer of admission to graduate school. For complete details please review Minimum Admission Requirements.
    •  a four-year baccalaureate (or equivalent) degree from a regionally accredited institution (degree to be conferred before start of program studies at UW)
    •  3.0 grade point average from the last graded 90 quarter credits or 60 semester credits
    • English proficiency
  2. Exceptions to minimum admission requirements must be approved with MyGrad petitions to the Graduate School dean before offers are extended to applicants. Instructions for creating these petitions are in the Help section of MyGrad under Applications (Other).
  3. GEMS has added a new MyGrad Help file, “How to request a low GPA Petition” (per advisor request at the Community Forum, this help file outlines information to include in the justification).
  4. If you aren’t sure if an applicant is meeting minimum requirements, please submit a MyGrad evaluation request. GEMS can assist in computing a GPA, evaluating a degree for equivalency or verifying accreditation of a foreign institution for any applicant regardless of their citizenship status. Instructions for submitting these requests are in the Help section of MyGrad under Applications (Other).