GEMS Blog for Advisors

December 2, 2021

Admissions Offers – Reminders & Resources

As your Graduate Admissions Committees begin to review applications, we wanted to send you a few important reminders about admission offers. Please share this information with your Graduate Admissions Committees and others who are involved in the admissions process.

• Graduate programs are responsible for making sure applicants meet minimum admission requirements outlined in Memo 3: Graduate Admission and
Memo 8: Graduate School English Language Proficiency Requirements.
Your admissions review should include a check for these requirements.

• If you want to admit a student who does not meet minimum admission requirements, you must have an approved petition on file with the Graduate School before you send the offer of admission. Petitions are submitted in MyGrad from the Graduate Applicant Detail page.

• Resources and tools to help you compute grade point averages (GPAs) and evaluate degrees are located on the GPA/GPC Resources web page under the Admissions heading. If you cannot find what you need, please email

• For degrees earned outside of the U.S., you may submit a request in MyGrad for GEMS to compute a GPA and/or evaluate a degree. Requests are submitted in MyGrad from the Graduate Applicant Detail page, Make Changes tab.

• When you make offers of admission in MyGrad, please make sure applicants are offered admission to the correct graduate degree program. This will make the enrollment confirmation and registration processes go smoothly.

We hope these reminders are helpful as you review graduate applications and make offers. We wish you a successful recruitment.