GEMS Blog for Advisors

March 30, 2017

Update to Deadlines for Conveying Admissions Decisions

On January 5, 2017, GEMS notified advisors that the “Notice of Intent” regarding a deadline for admission deferrals, admission early entries, late applications for admission and admission decisions had been approved and would be implemented.

At the request of the International English Language Program (IELP), we are now adding Defer AEP requirements to this deadline for Spring 2017 and forward. This affects both incoming and continuing students who have not yet fulfilled the Memo 8 “recommended scores” proficiency requirements.

Please refer to our Dates & Deadlines calendar each quarter for the “Convey Admissions Decisions” deadlines.

For our March 31st Spring 2017 deadline, please ensure that:

  • Admissions petitions are submitted for deferrals or early entries
  • Late applications for Spring 2017 are submitted
  • Offers are extended for Spring 2017 applications
  • Student petitions to Defer AEP requirements are submitted and approved by the department in MGP.

If you need an exception to one of these deadlines, email GEMS at by the March 31st deadline and a GEMS advisor will contact you.