GEMS Blog for Advisors

April 12, 2018

New Thesis/Dissertation and Graduation Web Resources

We’re excited to share our new and improved thesis/dissertation and graduation web pages. We believe these updates will assist your students as they prepare to graduate.

You may have already noticed some website restructuring on the Graduate School‘s Students & Postdocs tab. Please review the new “Degree Requirements” link. Within this section, you’ll find “Thesis/Dissertation Information,” “Dates and Deadlines” and “Policies and Procedures.”

Updates to Thesis/Dissertation Information:

  • The information flow and framework of the pages has changed! This means some pages have been renamed, and duplicated and obsolete information has been updated or removed.
  • The standalone page “Policy for Deposit and Dissemination of Master’s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations” was removed. The policy has instead been integrated to the main Thesis/Dissertation page. If you previously linked to that page, please redirect any external links to
  • Two new pages have been created!
  • Access Options for Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) has been updated to a more streamlined chart created by our partners in the UW Libraries. This chart will help clarify and inform students as they consider which publication access option is best suited for their work.

We appreciate any feedback about these revised web resources! Feel free to email with any questions.