Health Sciences Services

March 1, 2017

2017 Magnuson Scholar Lunch

Photo Credit: Gavin Sisk

Group Photo Back row left to right: Bill Bakamis, Gretchen Bakamis, Leslie Garrison, Juanita Garrison, Bruce Ransom
Front row left to right: Laura Saganic, Jonika Hash, Danae Dotolo, Devender Dhanda, Sylvia Badon, Shatha Bamashmous

Thank you to our 2016-2017 Magnuson Scholars and Senator Warren G. Magnuson’s family and former staff members for attending the annual Magnuson Scholar recognition lunch on February 27, 2017. This year’s event was held at the UW Club and attendees included the 2016-2017 Magnuson Scholars Shatha Bamashmous (School of Dentistry), Laura Saganic (School of Medicine), Jonika Hash (School of Nursing), Devender Dhanda (School of Pharmacy), Sylvia Badon (School of Public Health), Danae Dotolo (School of Social Work), and Senator Magnuson’s daughter Juanita Garrison, granddaughter Leslie Garrison, the Magnuson Chair in Neuroscience Dr. Bruce Ransom, and Bill and Gretchen Bakamis.

The guests provided stories of the Senator’s life and legacy while the scholars shared about their research and their future plans. Their work is truly inspirational, and we look froward to hearing of their further advances in their respective fields. We wish the 2016-2017 Magnuson Scholars all the best in their future endeavors.