The Life Sciences building (LSB) is a five-floor, 169,000 square facility with an open floor plan designed to foster team-oriented science and education. The flexible and modular spaces can be adjusted to meet the evolving demands of biological teaching and research.
The building will support all aspects of the University of Washington’s Biology Department mission, promoting leadership in research and teaching of biology at local, regional, national, and international levels. The offices, laboratories, and common-use spaces will be in close proximity, fostering critical synergies that often result from informal encounters. This building will accommodate the high demand for Biology education at all levels while teaching the next generation of scientists.
The Life Sciences Building is part of the larger Life Sciences Complex (LSC) which will revolutionize the conduct of biological research and enhance the student experience. The Life Sciences Complex is projected to be completed in 2018 and will include a 20,000 square foot Biology Greenhouse. When complete, the Life Sciences Complex project will occupy roughly the same footprint as the existing Botany Greenhouse, along the north side of the Burke-Gilman Trail.
For more information on the Life Sciences Building visit the College of the Arts and Sciences web page.