Health Sciences Services

January 7, 2016

2016-2017 Magnuson Scholar Program Requirements

Each of the six University of Washington Health Sciences Schools is invited to nominate a student for selection as a Magnuson Scholar for the 2016-2017 academic year. The final review of the Magnuson Scholar candidates will be made by Health Sciences Administration based upon the Schools’ nominees meeting eligibility and selection criteria. The Institute’s projected total award for each school’s scholar in 2016-17 will be approximately $30,000. The actual amount is based on the endowment fund performance and is determined in early March 2016.


• Magnuson Scholars are selected annually from applicants nominated by each of the six University of Washington Health Sciences Schools: Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, and Social Work.
• Students must be enrolled in a graduate program in the health professions at the University of Washington and registered for summer quarter of 2015 through the 2015-16 academic year.
• Students may be nominated in consecutive years by their respective schools.
• At least one Magnuson Scholar will be selected in a career pathway preparing for or engaged in research related to diabetes, its antecedents, or complications.

Selection Criteria

• Scholars will be selected based upon academic performance and/or promise and the students’ potential contributions to research in the health sciences.
• Special consideration will be given to Washington State residents and students of underrepresented groups in the Health Sciences Schools.

Application Procedure

By February 29, 2016 EOB each school should submit the name of the nominated student and the required application materials for each nominee:

• Current program transcript
• One-page statement of career objectives
• One-page letter of recommendation from the supervising faculty member

Students interested in a nomination should contact their Health Sciences School Dean’s office and/or respective school’s Magnuson Scholar point of contact.