November 3, 2014
A Message from UW HR: Marijuana in the UW Workplace
This message is being sent to all Faculty and Staff with approval from the Offices of the Vice President for Human Resources and the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel.
Dear UW employees,
As most of you undoubtedly know, effective December 6, 2012, State Initiative 502 (I-502) legalized the possession of a small quantity of marijuana by those 21 and over in Washington state. I-502 also revised the laws regarding marijuana regulation and taxation, and the criminal and civil penalties for the production, distribution, and possession of marijuana, and during this summer, we saw the opening of the first marijuana retail stores. However, it remains unlawful for anyone, whatever their age, to open a package containing marijuana or consume marijuana in a public place.
Notwithstanding the continuing developments flowing from I-502’s passage, it is critically important for all UW employees to understand that it is still a federal crime to possess and use even small amounts of marijuana on or in any University facilities or vehicles. Further, as a recipient of federal funds, the UW must comply with the Safe & Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act which require that the UW maintain a drug-free campus. Failure to comply with federal laws and regulations on marijuana possession and use on campus jeopardizes the UW’s continued receipt of federal funds.
Accordingly, the passage of I-502 has not changed the UW policies that prohibit the production, distribution, possession, or use of marijuana on University property or during University-sponsored activities. Violating these policies may lead to sanctions under the applicable general code of conduct or the University rules relating to your particular employment status.
Also, under Federal regulations a number of University employees are subject to drug and alcohol testing because of the type of work they perform. Testing positive for marijuana is a violation of these regulations and will remain grounds for employment sanctions including termination, even if the marijuana use occurred outside of work hours and otherwise in accordance with state law.
Visit to view the University’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy.
The resources listed below are available to assist employees who feel that marijuana is causing problems either for themselves or their family members:
- UW CareLink, Faculty & Staff Assistance Program:
- Hall Health Mental Health:
- Psychological Services and Training Center:
- The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute:
- Washington Recovery Help Line: (866) 789-1511 (available 24/7) or
Cheryl A. Cameron, Vice Provost for Academic Personnel
Mindy Kornberg, Vice President for UW Human Resources
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact (for staff) or (for academic personnel)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact