Health Sciences Services

January 7, 2016

Call for Magnuson Scholar Nominations

January 7, 2016

Dear Health Sciences Deans,

I am pleased to announce the 2015-2016 Magnuson Scholars Program for eligible graduate students enrolled in the six University of Washington Health Sciences Schools. As you may know, the program is funded from a $2 million endowment from the Warren G. Magnuson Institute for Biomedical Research and Health Professions Training. The late U.S. Senator Warren G. Magnuson, in whose name the program was established, was committed to improving the nation’s health through biomedical research and was instrumental in establishing the National Institutes of Health, Medicare, and Medicaid during his long career in the U.S. Senate.

The Magnuson Scholars Program allows us to recognize one graduate student in each of the six schools who demonstrate excellent academic performance and outstanding potential for research in the health sciences.

The attached document provides an overview of the Magnuson Scholars Program process.

Please note that the eligibility requirements state that one nominee each year must be preparing for or actively engaged in a career pathway related to diabetes research. If such a nominee is not submitted by the 2/29/15 deadline, we will contact the schools for additional candidates. Students interested in this scholarship opportunity should contact their Dean’s office.


David M. Anderson, D.V.M
Executive Director
Health Sciences Administration