Health Sciences Services

January 2, 2014

New HSAS&F Director Announced

Nancy Salts newly announced director of the University
of Washington’s Health Sciences Academic Services & Facilities

January 25, 2013

Dear UW colleagues,

After a nationwide search involving an extremely qualified group of candidates, I am pleased to announce that Ms. Nancy Salts will be the new Director of Health Sciences Academic Services & Facilities at the University of Washington effective January 15, 2014.

Nancy Salts will lead Health Sciences Academic Services & Facilities (HSAS&F) with accountability and oversight for all administrative, business, operations, and service components of HSAS&F. She will provide progressive, coordinated leadership across the ten multi-disciplinary service components of HSAS&F, ensuring alignment of strategic and operational goals with both Health Sciences Administration and University priorities. Ms. Salts will play a critical role in management and coordination of operational issues impacting the educational, research, and clinical missions of the University. As Executive Director of Health Sciences Administration, I look forward to working with her to meet the needs of these groups as a means of supporting the larger University mission.

Ms. Salts earned her Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and Physiology from the University of Minnesota in 1983 and her Master’s in Public Administration from the University of Washington in 2012. During the interview process, she delivered an excellent seminar entitled, “Courage to Excel – The Boldness behind Process Improvement”, in which she outlined her extensive career experience in successfully developing people, products, efficient systems and effective processes. Ms. Salts sees HSAS&F as an environment where she can effectively apply her training and experience as a laboratory scientist and innovative leader, leveraging her interest and experience in best practices development, strategic operations, communication and continuous process improvement. Her education and training combined with over 20 years in executive management in biomedical research firms and civic organizations have provided Ms. Salts with a robust background in leading change management in systems and operations aligned with the HSAS&F service profile. Throughout the extensive interview process, Ms. Salts underscored her interest and passion for working with the diverse and evolving enterprise needs, teams and multi-disciplinary components of HSAS&F using rigorous analysis and implementing thoughtful, strategic change management.

I would like to thank the Director Search Committee for their diligent work resulting in a very successful search: Lawrie Robertson, Kelly Johnson, Christine Aker, Herb Kramer, Jennie Struijk, David Wolbrecht and Bob Ennes. I was privileged to serve as Chair for this group and benefited from their thoughtful, committed approach to the best practices search and selection. Over 50 individuals invested their time and attention in candidates’ interviews and seminars, providing critical feedback that was integral to the final outcome.

I’d like to particularly thank Stan Wiegman for his excellent interim leadership since Jack Klebeck’s retirement in late August. As you may know, Stan has maintained momentum in HSAS&F towards process improvement and operational efficiency and I look forward to his ongoing contributions. Stan will continue in his primary role of HSAS&F Administrator working with the skilled and dedicated HSAS&F personnel to facilitate a smooth and effective leadership transition.

Please join me in welcoming Nancy Salts to the UW and this important role.

David M. Anderson, D.V.M.
Executive Director, Health Sciences Administration