Health Sciences Services

September 16, 2016

UWMC Legionella Pneumonia Update

Health Sciences Specific Updates:

  • Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) has received data from Seattle Public Utility and Campus Engineering that demonstrates that chlorine levels are being provided to the University at levels that meet drinking water standards.
  • EH&S is in the process of confirming Campus Engineering that there is no connection between the Cascade Tower water source and that of the health sciences. It is highly unlikely.
  • Bottled drinking water is not necessary
  • EHS is working directly with dentistry re: some specific procedures that they may want to implement with immunocompromised patients
  • EHS will reach out to Pharmacy regarding their compounding area to see if anything needs to be adjusted or changed

Please be advised of the following updates regarding Legionella bacteria at UW Medical Center:

Legionella bacteria have been detected in a fourth UWMC patient. This patient was hospitalized on the Cascade Tower prior to water restrictions being implemented. The patient is now situated on a floor on the Montlake Tower and is in satisfactory condition.

A UW Medicine Legionella pneumonia information line (855) 520-2252 has been established. It includes general information as well as options for more detailed information and for medical providers with clinical questions or infection prevention questions.

Today as a cautionary step we will begin contacting specific high-risk patients who were hospitalized between Aug. 24th and Sept. 13th in the Cascade Tower to educate them about signs and symptoms of Legionella pneumonia. Water restrictions were implemented Sept. 13th.

Preliminarily positive Legionella culture results have been received from an ice machine and sink in an OR hallway of the Cascade Tower and 3 pieces of OR equipment that don’t come into direct contact with patients. The ice machine, sink, and 3 OR equipment units have been taken out of service. The ice is not for human consumption.

We have a plan for chemically treating water in the Cascade Tower and expect to be able to do so by early next week. This plan would include using a chlorine solution that is circulated through the water system for a set period of time. This will be done during the evening hours to minimize disruption on the Cascade Tower units. We will continue to test the water until it is negative for Legionella.

To further lower risks, preventive antibiotics are being provided to specific high-risk patients based on recommendations from our infectious disease team.

We continue to work closely with Public Health – Seattle & King County and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on our water remediation efforts.

Thank you.