Affiliation Agreements
The Attorney General’s Office has approved standard language for the Health Sciences Affiliation Agreements. The agreements are copied below and are current as of December 2024. As Health Sciences continues to understand and refine procedures in support of the Health Science Schools (HSS), we request the following when presenting Affiliation Agreements for review and signature:
Agreements with changes to the standard template and/or training site generated templates:
- After routing for internal signatures, please route to Lisa Plancich, at Health Sciences Strategic Planning & Development, for signature from HSS Director Jason Lindahl
- Expect three (3) business days for HSS review, signature, and return
- Please submit requests for Attorney General’s Office (AGO) approval-as-to-form review through the Online Form located in the Review Process section of the UW AGO Affiliation Agreement home page. Because the AGO is not a party in affiliation agreements, the AAG’s signature is not a legal requirement. Therefore, the UW Division of the Attorney General’s Office no longer maintains the practice of signing affiliation agreements. Approval as to form is conveyed by email.
- AAG overseeing AAs is Erica Graser. Please review the Affiliation Agreement FAQs section for answers to commonly asked questions. Insurance-related inquiries should be directed to Risk Services. Program-specific/operational-level questions should be first be addressed within the Program’s department/school and HSS. For other questions regarding AA review, please contact Erica Graser (AAG) and Brendon McCarroll (Paralegal) at:
- To complete review, please allow up to 4-6 weeks for review of each agreement
- Due to the familiarity with UW generated AAs, those that use a UW template are usually processed quicker than contacts generated by the affiliate. Although it is not a legal requirement, AGO-approved UW agreements should be considered a prerequisite when the UW is the training site.
Agreements with no changes to the language in the AGO approved standard template and/or the AAG has already signed the document:
- Include explanatory email or attach a cover page
- Plan on 3 business days for HSS review, signature, and return
Attorney General Approved Template for School of Dentistry Training Site
Attorney General Approved Template for School of Dentistry School
Attorney General Approved Template for School of Nursing
Attorney General Approved Template for School of Pharmacy
Attorney General Approved Template for School of Public Health
Attorney General Approved Template for School of Social Work