Professional Development

The NAPE Center holds a Professional Development Series for Undergraduates, Graduate Students, and Postdocs, managed by Dr. Lusine Eyde. Feel free to reach out to Lusine if you’d like more information, for slides/past recordings,  or to participate as a panelist/speaker!

Undergraduate Professional Development

When: Summer quarter


  • How to prepare for Grad School
  • How to apply and choose the right Grad Program for you
  • How to survive and thrive while in Grad School
  • How to consider your professional options once you complete your doctorate

Graduate Professional Development

When: Winter quarter


  • Pursuing an Academic Career
  • How to Make Your Research Sparkle
  • Exploring Careers in Science
  • Mental Health and Well-Being in Graduate School
  • Barriers to Success in Graduate School and How to Circumvent Them
  • Tips and Strategies for Giving a Better Science Talk
  • How to Make Your Research Project Fundable
  • Tips and Strategies for Improving Mentorship
  • My Journey Through Science

Postdoc Professional Development

When: Spring quarter


  • Academic and Industry CVs, Resumes, and Cover Letters
  • Chalk Talks and Faculty Positions
  • Mastering Networking & Job Search Strategies
  • Professional Interviewing
  • Navigating Negotiations