







5/6 – Dissertation Defense of Nastacia Goodwin, PhD Candidate from the Golden Lab. Her thesis is titled “Dissociable Neural Mechanisms of Reactive and Appetitive Aggression.”

5/7 –  wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ Intellectual House – APM Academic Evening. Oral Presentations by Graduate Students Kaylin Ellioff, Jessica Ho, and Sarah Thai.

5/10 – Yuxin Pan, Graduate Student in the Gu Lab, Department of Biochemistry, will be presenting in the NAPE Seminar Series.

5/10 – NAPE Postdoc Professional Development session on “Academic and Industry CVs, Resumes, and Cover Letters”

5/14 – Dr. David Marcus will be presenting “Endocannabinoid tuning of behavioral engagement via an anterior Paraventricular Thalamus – Nucleus Accumbens circuit” in the APM Research Seminar Series

5/17 – Undergraduate Research Symposium. Schedule with NAPE UG Presentations TBA.

5/21 – 37th Annual Bonica Lecture. Dr. Hance Clark, President of the Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids, will be presenting “Cannabis: The Canadian Experience” as the 37th Annual Bonica Lecturer.

5/24 – Dr. Hanan Baker, Research Resident and Bonica Scholar, wil be presenting in the NAPE Seminar series.

5/24 – Postdoc Professional Development session on “Chalk Talks and Faculty Positions” with Drs. David Marcus and Oscar Vivas.

5/31 – NAPE Symposium. Please join us for a Town Hall, poster presentations by our trainees, and  buffet lunch!


4/5 – Dr. Carlos Campos, UW Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition will be presenting “Self-supervised behavior modeling with dense keypoint tracking” in the NAPE seminar series.

4/12 – Dr. Lauren Dobbs, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Neurology at the University of Texas at Austin will be presenting “Endogenous opioids in the regulation of striatal circuits and cocaine reward” in the NAPE seminar series.

4/19 – Dr. Liangcai Gu, Associate Professor of Biochemistry will be presenting “Submicron-resolution DNA arrays for 3D multi-omics of tissues” in the NAPE seminar series.

4/26 – Dr. Carlee Toddes, Postdoc in the Golden lab, will be presenting in the NAPE seminar series. Title TBA

4/26 – NAPE Postdoc Professional Development Welcome Session


3/8 – Dr. Mitra Hesmati, PhD., MD, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, will be presenting “Brainwide activity under states of isoflurane anesthesia” in the NAPE seminar series.

3/8 – Graduate Professional Development session featuring Dr. Kevin Coffey, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Kevin will be presenting on his journey in science. 

3/11 –  Dr. Leo Scholl, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Osborn lab in the UW Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, will be presenting in the Be Boundless Graduate Program in Neuroscience seminar series. Dr. Scholl’s work focuses on improving the usability of brain-machine interface devices. 

3/11 – Dr. Vaishnavi Jadhav, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Kraemer and Liachko labs in the UW Department of Gerontology and geriatric Medicine, will be presenting in the Be Boundless Graduate Program in Neuroscience seminar series. Dr. Jadhav studies TDP-43 and tau proteinopathies.

3/29 – Dr. Alex Whitebirch, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Ferguson lab, will be presenting “Investigating the role of subpopulations of prefrontal cortex pyramidal neurons in the regulation of fentanyl-seeking” in the NAPE seminar series.


2/2: Graduate Professional Development session on “Mental Health and Well-Being in Graduate School” by Dr. Lusine Eyde.

2/5:  Dr. Nathan Baertsch, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the UW and Seattle Children’s will be presenting, “How Breathing is Generated and Regulated by the Brain” in the Graduate Program in Neuroscience Seminar series.

2/6: Dr. Azad Bonni, MD, PhD, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Neuroscience and Rare Diseases, Pharma Research and Early Development at Roche, will be presenting “Deregulation of Ubiquitin Signaling in Genetic Neurodevelopmental Disorders” hosted by Weill NeuroHub.

2/8:  Dr. Sven Dorkenwald, PhD, Shanahan Foundation Fellow at the UW and Allen Institute, will be presenting “Reconstructing the Synaptic Wiring Diagram of the Fruit Fly Brain”, hosted by eScience Institute.

2/9:  Dr. Mark Duncan, MD, UW Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, will be presenting “The Clinical Practice of Treating Addiction” in the NAPE seminar series.

2/9: Graduate Professional Development session on “Barriers to Success in Graduate School and How to Circumvent Them” with panelists Drs. Raaj Gowrishankar, Carlee Toddes, and Kevin Schneider.

2/12: Dr. Mitra Heshmati, MD, PhD, UW Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine and Biological Structure, will be presenting “Investigating Brainwide Anesthesia-Activated Ensembles in Mice” in the Graduate Program in Neuroscience Seminar series.

2/15: Dr. Karla Kaun, PhD, Associate Professor of Neuroscience at Brown University, woill be presenting “Molecular Changes Underlying Alcohol Reward” in the Physiology and Biophysics seminar series.

2/16: NAPE Lightsheet Informational Session. Attendance is required for persons wanting to participate in the July 2024 hands-on session.

2/16: Graduate Professional Development session on “Tips and Strategies for Giving a Better Science Talk” by Dr. Alex Whitebirch, Postdoc in the Ferguson lab.

2/20: Dr. Sachin Patel, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Northwestern University will be presenting “Endocannabinoid Signaling in the CNS: Translational Implications for Stress-Related Disorders and Addiction” in the Pharmacology seminar series.

2/22: Dr. Zach Danziger, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at Emory University will be presenting “Learning and Control in High-Dimensional Human-Machine Interfaces” in the Bioengineering seminar series. Flyer

2/23: Dr. David Ottenheimer, Postdoc in the Stuber and Steinmetz lab, will be presenting “Transcriptionally diverse cell types in the rodent ventral pallidum” in the NAPE seminar series.

2/23: Graduate Professional Development session on “How to Make Your Research Project Fundable” by Dr. Jingyi Chen, Postdoc in the Bruchas lab.

2/27: Dr. Jorge E. Contreras, PhD, Professor of Physiology and Membrane Biology at the University of California will be presenting “Connexin-43 hemichannels as mediators of cardiac stress-induced arrhythmias and myocardial injury” at the Pharmacology seminar series.

2/29: Dr. Theanne Griffith, PhD, Assistant Professor of Physiology and Membrane Biology at UCLA will be presenting “Differential encoding of mammalian proprioception by voltage-gated sodium channels” in the Physiology and Biophysics seminar series.


1/11: Dr. Marco Pravetoni, UW Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Pharmacology, will be presenting “Development of vaccines and antibody-based interventions to treat opioid use disorders and overdose… and beyond” in the Bioengineering seminar series.

1/12: Graduate Professional Development session on “Pursuing an Academic Career” – featuring Dr. Anna Bowen and Dr. Brandy Briones

1/16:  Dr. Maria Sweetwyne, UW Assistant Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, will be presenting in the Pharmacology seminar series.

1/18: Dr. Li Li, UW Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, PI at the Seattle Children’s, will be presenting “Precision anesthesia: towards neural circuit-specific modulation of arousal” in the Bioengineering seminar series.

1/19: Graduate Professional Development session on “How to Make Your Research Sparkle” – featuring Dr. Sean Piantadosi and Dr. Adam Gordon-Fennell

1/19: NAPE seminar featuring Kaylin Ellioff, PhD Candidate in the Land and Bruchas lab. 

1/26: Graduate Professional Development session on “Exploring Careers in Science” by Dr. Lusine Eyde

1/30: Dr. Sabrina Spencer, Associate Professor of Biochemistry and the University of Colorado Boulder will be presenting the Pharmacology seminars series.