December 2020

12/4: Elizabeth Crummy defends her dissertation defense, 1:30 PM
“Investigating the Impact of Drug History and Cortical Circuitry on Substance Use and Decision-Making”

12/4: Marjorie Levinstein defends her dissertation defense, 3 PM
“Diversity of lateral habenula neuron roles in negative valence events”

12/15: Anna Bowen’s defends her dissertation, 10 AM
“Parabrachial and central amygdala circuits for affective nociceptive processing”

November 2020

11/6: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Dr. Brock Grill, PhD. “Genetic behavioral screen identifies an orphan anti-opioid system”.

11/13: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Dr. Jingyi Chen, PhD., The Scripps Research Institute. “Song you can’t hear: Flexible scaling and persistence of social vocal communication”.

11/16: Seminar – Featuring Dr. Kay Tye, PhD, Salk Institute for Biological Sciences. “Neural representations of social rank and competitive success”

11/20: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Rhiana Simon.
“Interrogating VTA-septal connectivity”.

October 2020

Friday, October 2, 3:00-4:00 PM:
Intro to 2-photon microscopy and applications – by Dr. Charles Zhou, PhD

This training will discuss the basics of 2-photon microscopy and its applications to monitoring and manipulation the activity of neurons with single-cell resolution. Dr. Zhou will discuss its strengths and weaknesses, provide a visual demonstration of equipment usage, and give examples of how the method can be applied to projects across the NAPE Center. The training is useful for anyone who wants to get started with 2-photon microscopy to interrogate population neural activity with single-cell resolution.

Friday, October 9, 3:00-4:00 PM:
Intro to MIRA Platform – by Inscopix

This session will discuss integrating the above Inscopix systems for freely behaving data with either a 2p or confocal system and co-registration of the two data sets.

September 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 3:00-4:00 PM:
AAV-CRISPR Short Course – by Dr. Avery Hunker, PhD

This short course will go over how to design, clone, and validate sgRNAs for AAV-CRISPRs. It is useful for anyone in the NAPE Center intending to use AAV-CRISPRs for in vivo gene mutagenesis.

Friday, September 18, 3:00-4:00 PM:
GRIN Lens Surgery Short Course – by Dr. Ivan Trujillo-Pisanty, PhD

This training will be covering the basic surgical procedures, best practices, and tips for implanting a GRIN lens for head-fixed in vivo calcium imaging experiments.

Friday, September 25, 3:00-5:00 PM:
Intro to 1-photon imaging and 1-photon data analysis methods – led by Inscopix, Dr. Jane Chen, PhD.

This training will include an introduction to 1p imaging with Inscopix technology – the session will include an overview of Inscopix’s nV3 system for freely behaving imaging as well as our nVoke system, which layers on an optogenetic component. The training will also include a conceptual overview of 1p data analysis methods; it will cover preprocessing of the data as well as algorithms for signal extraction

August 2020

8/7: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Dr. Nathan Baertsch, PhD
8/14: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Dr. Nicholas Burgraff, PhD.
8/21: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Dr. Daniel Barron, MD, PhD.
8/27: NAPE Summer Undergraduate Seminars 3 PM
8/28: NAPE Summer Undergraduate Seminars 3 PM

July 2020

7/10: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Dr. Barb Juarez, PhD.
7/17: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Kevan Kidder
7/24: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Ryan Feraro

June 2020

6/12: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Christian Pedersen
6/19: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Dr. Mark Rossi, PhD.
6/26: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Ty Reed

May 2020

5/1: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Dr. Antony Abraham
5/8: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Madison Baird
5/15: NAPE Seminar Series at 3PM – Featuring Britahny Baskin
5/22: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Marjorie Levinstein
5/29: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Dr. Jane Chen, PhD

April 2020

4/17: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM – Featuring Dr. Raah Gowrishankar, PhD.
4/24: NAPE Seminar Series at 3 PM- featuring Dr. Marcus Basiri, PhD.

March 2020

3/9: Dr. Nancy Kopell from Boston University will be giving her talk titled “Brain Rhythms and Cognitive Flexibility” in T-639 HSB from 3:30-4:30 PM

3/10: Dr. Michael Bruchas will be presenting “Dissecting Neuromodulatory Circuits and GPCR Signaling in Affective Behavior in T-739 HSB at 2:30 PM

3/19: The NAPE Center Lunch will be led by Dr. Sheri Mizumori from 12:00 – 1:30 PM in room T-739 HSB.

For undergrads and grad students: Please register for PHCOL 562 (1 credit) for the Winter and Spring Quarters. This course covers these Center Lunches and our NAPE Seminars. We get priority for room scheduling if we have students registered for these meetings.

ADAI is looking for a couple of basic science addiction researchers to present in their Brown Bag series for May and June. This is a great opportunity for graduate students or post-docs to share their work with other types of addiction researchers in a smaller, informal setting. Interested people should contact Sharon Garrett (ghungus@uw.edu).

Februrary 2020

2/4: Dr. Hannele Ruohola-Baker will be presenting on “Using Protein Design to Probe Mechanism of Angiopoietin Signaling” at 2:30 PM in room T-739 HSB.

2/10: Dr. Michael Hasselmo from Boston University will be presenting on “Cortical Coding of Space and Time for Episodic Memory” from 3:30-4:30 PM in T-639 HSB.

2/11: Dr. Aaron Nudelman will be presenting at 2:30 PM in room T-739 HSB.

2/18: Dr. Martin Kruse will be presenting “Control o Neuronal Activity via Surface Density of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Lipid Kinase Activities in Sympathetic Neurons” at 2:30 PM in T-739 HSB.

2/24: Dr. Hannele Ruohola-Baker from the Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine will be giving a seminar from 3:30-4:30 PM in T-639 HSB.

2/25: Dr. Susan Fink will be presenting “Targeting Programmed Inflammatory Cell Death with Neuroactive Small Molecules” at 2:30 PM in room T-739.

2/27: The NAPE Center Lunch will be led by Dr. Larry Zweifel from 12:00-1:30 PM in room T-733 HSB.

-For undergrads and grad students: Please register for PHCOl 562 (1 credit) for the Winter and Spring Quarters. This course covers these Center Lunches and our NAPE Seminars. We get priority for room scheduling if we have students registered for these meetings.

2/28: Dr. Kathryn Cunningham will be giving a talk on “Defining and Mining Translational Targets for Addiction” at 3:30 PM in South Campus Center, Room 316.

-ADAI is looking for a couple of basic science addiction researchers to present in their Brown Bag series for May and June. This is a great opportunity for graduate students or post-docs to share their work with other types of addiction researchers in a smaller, informal setting. Interested people should contact Sharon Garrett (ghungus@uw.edu).

January 2020

Our Addiction Training Research Series includes the course “Addiction: Mechanisms, Treatment, Prevention” (CONJ556), organized by Dr. Susan Ferguson and offered WINTER 2020 on Thursdays from 3:30 – 5:20 PM in room T-635 HST. Contact Susan at smfergus@uw.edu for more information. First class begins this Thursday, January 9th.

1/13: Nicholas Poolos, PhD from UW Neurology will be presenting “Novel Pharmacological Approaches to the Treatment of Medically Refractory Epilepsy” in room T-639 HSB at 3:30 PM.

1/21: Jessica Young, PhD from UW Pathology will be in room T-739 HSB at 2:30 PM.

1/27: Jonathan Ting, PhD and Jim Berg, PhD from the Allen Institute will be presenting on “Human Neocortical Expansion Involves Diversification and Specialization of Intratelencephalic-Projecting Excitatory Neurons” in room T-639 at 3:30 PM.

1/28: Suja Jagannathan, PhD will be speaking on January 28, 2020 at 2:30 PM in room T-739 HSB at 2:30 PM.

1/28: Aaron Phensy, PhD from UT Dallas will be presenting “Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Parvalbumin Interneurons Following Perinatal NMDAR Blockade in Mice” in room J-156 at 4:00 PM.

December 2019

12/2: Dr. Sam Golden, Assistant Professor at the UW Department of Biological Structure, will be presenting “Learning to Aggress: Neural Circuits of Aggression Reward and Relapse” during the Neuroscience Graduate Program Seminar Series on Monday, December 2nd at 3:30 PM in room T-639 HSB.

12/3: Dr. Ardem Patapoutian, Professor at the Department of Neuroscience at The Scripps Research Institute and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, will be speaking on “Piezo Channels in Mechanotransduction: Sensory Biology to Disease” during the Pharmacology Seminar Series on Tuesday, December 3rd at 2:30 PM in room D-209 HSB.

12/5: Avery C. Hunker, PhD candidate (advisor: Dr. Larry Zweifel) from the UW Department of Pharmacology will be defending her doctoral dissertation, “Combinatorial Strategies Using CRISPR/Cas9 for Gene Mutagenesis in Adult Mice” during the Pharmacology Seminar Series on Thursday, December 5th at 10:30 AM in room D-209 HSB.

12/10: Dr. Brandy Briones, Postdoc candidate (Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Gould) from Princeton University, will be presenting “Investigating the Role of Perinueronal Nets in Hippocampal and Striatal Plasticity” during her visit to Dr. Garret Stuber’s lab on Tuesday, December 10th at 4:00 PM in room J-156 HSB.

12/18: NAPE Center Lunch – Led by Dr. Michael Bruchas will take place on Wednesday, December 18th from 12:00 – 1:50 PM in room T-639 (Please note the time and room change!)
For undergrads and grad students: Please register for PHCOL 562 (1 credit) for the Winter and Spring Quarters. This course covers these Center Lunches and our NAPE Seminars. We get priority for room scheduling if we have students registered for these meetings.

12/19: Dr. David Ottenhiemer, Postdoc candidate (Advisor: Dr. Patricia Janak) from Johns Hopkins University, will be speaking on “Preference Encoding in Ventral Pallidum Mediates Reward-Seeking Behavior” during his visit to Dr. Garret Stuber and Dr. Nick Steinmetz’s labs on Wednesday, December 18th at 11:00 AM in room J-156 HSB.

Our Addiction Training Research Series includes the course “Addiction: Mechanisms, Treatment, Prevention” (CONJ556), organized by Dr. Susan Ferguson and offered WINTER 2020 on Thursdays from 3:30Dr. Howard Fields will be speaking on “How Predictive Cues Influence Pain” during the Neuroscience Graduate Program Seminar Series on Monday, November 18th at 3:30 PM in room T-639 HSB. Everyone is welcome to attend!

NAPE Center Lunch – Led by Dr. Susan Ferguson will take place on Thursday, November 21st from 12:30 – 1:50 PM in room T-747 (Please note the time and room change!)

For undergrads and grad students: Please register for PHCOL 562 (1 credit) for the Winter and Spring Quarters. This course covers these Center Lunches and our NAPE Seminars. We get priority for room scheduling if we have students registered for these meetings.

Our Addiction Training Research Series includes the course “Addiction: Mechanisms, Treatment, Prevention” (CONJ556), organized by Dr. Susan Ferguson and offered WINTER 2020 on Thursdays from 3:30 – 5:20 PM in room T-635 HST. Grad students, please register! Postdocs are welcome to attend. To register, please visit the course registration page here or contact Susan at smfergus@uw.edu for more information.

November 2019

Dr. Howard Fields will be speaking on “How Predictive Cues Influence Pain” during the Neuroscience Graduate Program Seminar Series on Monday, November 18th at 3:30 PM in room T-639 HSB. Everyone is welcome to attend!

NAPE Center Lunch – Led by Dr. Susan Ferguson will take place on Thursday, November 21st from 12:30 – 1:50 PM in room T-747 (Please note the time and room change!)

For undergrads and grad students: Please register for PHCOL 562 (1 credit) for the Winter and Spring Quarters. This course covers these Center Lunches and our NAPE Seminars. We get priority for room scheduling if we have students registered for these meetings.

Our Addiction Training Research Series includes the course “Addiction: Mechanisms, Treatment, Prevention” (CONJ556), organized by Dr. Susan Ferguson and offered WINTER 2020 on Thursdays from 3:30 – 5:20 PM in room T-635 HST. Grad students, please register! Postdocs are welcome to attend. To register, please visit the course registration page here or contact Susan at smfergus@uw.edu for more information.