Bregman Parallel Direction Method of Multipliers for Distributed Optimization via Mirror Averaging

Y. Yu, B. Açıkmeşe, M. Mesbahi

IEEE Control Systems Letters

Distributed optimization aims to optimize a global objective formed by a sum of coupled local convex functions over a graph via only local computation and communication. In this letter, we propose the Bregman parallel direction method of multipliers (PDMM) based on a generalized averaging step named mirror averaging. We establish the global convergence and O(1/T) convergence rate of the Bregman PDMM, along with its O(n/ ln n) improvement over existing PDMM, where T denotes the number of iterations and n the dimension of solution variable. In addition, we can enhance its performance by optimizing the spectral gap of the averaging matrix. We demonstrate our results via a numerical example.
