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Adobe Acrobat document Guide to Monitoring Smoke Exposure of Wildland Firefighters 2
Adobe Acrobat document Smoke Exposure Among Firefighters at Prescribed Burns in the Pacific Northwest 1
Adobe Acrobat document Smoke Exposure at Western Wildfires 1
Microsoft Word document Tips to Redue Smoke Exposure and Impacts 4
Microsoft Word document Wildfire Smoke Can Affect You Even Indoors 4
Microsoft Word document Wildfire Smoke and Your Health 4
Microsoft Word document Air Sampling Study of the 2000 Montana Wildfire Season 2
Microsoft Word document Air Quality During Haze Episodes and Its Impact On Health 4
Microsoft Word document Air Quality Monitoring During Wildfires, Experience from the North 25 Fire, Wenatchee NF 2
Microsoft PowerPoint document Challenges and Issues with Reporting the AQI for PM2.5 on a Real-time Basis 2
Microsoft Word document Handling Air Pollution Episodes Lessons Learned from Big Bar Complex Wildfire 4
Microsoft PowerPoint document EPA's Air Quality Index (AQI) 2
Adobe Acrobat document EPA's PM-10 Natural Events Policy 3
Adobe Acrobat document EPA'S Natural Events Policy for Particulate Matter 3
Adobe Acrobat document EPA's Interim Air Quality Policy On Wildland and Prescribed Fires 3
Adobe Acrobat document Fact Sheet: EPAÕs Interim Air Quality Policy on Wildland and Prescribed Fires 3
Adobe Acrobat document Memorandum on Interim Air Quality Policy on Wildland and Prescribed Fires 3
Microsoft PowerPoint document Montana/Idaho Forest Range Smoke Managment Program 3
Adobe Acrobat document Checklist for Required Elements in Protocols Submitted for Approval to CDC IRB 1
Adobe Acrobat document Missoula County Air Stagnation Plan, Health Advisories & Wild Fire Smoke Under Good Dispersion Conditions 3
Microsoft Word document R&D Program Development National Fire Policy 3
HTML Document Vegetation Fires 2
Adobe Acrobat document Wildfire Smoke: A guide for public health officials 4
 © 2001 Department of Environmental Health - Contact Us: marquist@u.washington.edu

Dept. of Environmental Health EPA Region X Particulate Matter Center

Suite 355, 1107 NE 45th St., Seattle, WA 98105
Phone (206)616-6570 Fax (206) 616-6528

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