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The Good Forms of Child Labor Are Still Legal

SEATTLE — President Clinton, looking to end his visit to the WTO Ministerial on a positive note, on Wednesday signed an international treaty banning the worst forms of child labor.

"Today we say with one clear voice, abusive child labor is wrong and it must end," Clinton said. The treaty will ban forced or slave labor for children, or using children for illegal activities including prostitution and drug trafficking.

— Observer news sources

That’ll show them, sir.

In case Mr. Clinton needs any more ideas for taking a courageous stand against things that are already illegal (or should be), here are the World Trade Observer’s Top Ten Forms of Abusive Child Labor Bill Clinton Vows to Ban As Long as Trade Partners Don’t Object:

10. Chimney sweep in petrochemical factory

9. Land mine detector

8. Handy pincushion for holding dirty hypodermic needles

7. Hockey puck

6. Rosemary’s baby sitter

5. Test subject for Monsanto’s new "Armageddon" pesticide

4. Starbucks barista in downtown Seattle

3. Starring in a UPN sitcom

2. Bicycle messenger for Ted Kaczinsky

1. White House intern


Bill Walker
