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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1999  On the beat, in Seattle

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Holiday Shopping at WTO Ministerial

WTO Negotiations Turn Bad for the Environment
A deal is emerging at the World Trade Organization talks taking place in Seattle that is set to be a disaster for the natural environment. By late yesterday evening, it appeared that every single issue environmental campaigners have been fighting over for the past year or more is being lost in favor of increased trade and commercial interests. (more)

Also in this Issue


Top Stories

NGO Statement on WTO Crisis in Seattle: A Call for Change*
2 December 1999
- The WTO is in crisis. The process of trade negotiations is fundamentally flawed and cannot be the basis for global policy making for the new millenium. Any outcome of such a process is illigitimate. As the events of the last few days have illustrated... (more)

Protesters Remain in Jail as Negotiations and Demonstrations Continue Outside
Hundreds of WTO protesters remained in Seattle jails Thursday, as thousands more demonstrated peacefully to demand their release and an apology from the city for the police crackdown that drew increasing criticism from elected officials, civil libertarians and the city’s residents. (more)

Developing Nations: ‘The Process Has Been Hijacked’
Despite claims by U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky Thursday that she is not aware of dissent from developing countries over WTO negotiating process, ministers from several of those countries say they have been essentially shut out of the process, and that they have tried repeatedly to make their concerns known. (more)

The Good Forms of Child Labor Are Still Legal (Humor)
SEATTLE — President Clinton, looking to end his visit to the WTO Ministerial on a positive note, on Wednesday signed an international treaty banning the worst forms of child labor. (more)


Next Issue: December 4, 1999