Call for Art: Jonathan Ferrara Gallery

JONATHAN FERRARA GALLERY is seeking artist submissions for the 21st Annual NO DEAD ARTISTS International Juried Exhibition. NO DEAD ARTISTS is a vetted exhibition known for a great diversity in media but with a cohesive cross-section of the pulse of Contemporary Art. The exhibition has been a springboard for numerous artists leading to national press coverage and recognition, art fair presentations, gallery representation and acquisitions by museums and other prominent collections. Each year the gallery invites a panel of renowned arts professionals and collectors to select the NO DEAD ARTISTS finalists.

ELIGIBILITY: Living artists worldwide, at any stage of their careers may apply.

ARTWORK RESTRICTIONS: All media is accepted. There are no size restrictions apart from the gallery ceiling height of 11.5 ft or 3.5m. Work must be available for sale during the exhibition dates.

AWARD: One selected finalist will be awarded a solo exhibition in 2018.


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