Gallery Pegasus Call For Artists

For: Recent Graduates, and graduating Seniors in a BFA program or higher.

Where: Gallery Pegasus in Bellingham, Wa

When: October 6 – October 30, 2017


Gallery Pegasus is seeking a few artists to represent the University of Washington in a recent graduate and graduating art exhibition. We are particularly interested in the student’s senior capstone projects, but would love to view any types of submissions.

We have a number of great artists on board from WWU in Bellingham, and are very interested in making this a regional show with the colleges of the surrounding area included. This will be a great opportunity to show some artwork in a dedicated gallery setting, and be a part of a group show with peers of your professional discipline.

Please contact Curator Jody Thompson at for details and art submissions. Submission deadline is September 1, 2017. We are looking forward to hearing from you!