UW Drama: House managers

The School of Drama is hiring House Managers for the 2018 – 2019 academic year. THIS JOB IS OPEN TO STUDENTS WITH WORK-STUDY AWARDS ONLY. This is a great job for anyone considering a career in customer service, hospitality, social work, event management, retail, nonprofit management, or the arts who wants to get experience interfacing with the public and managing volunteers in a fun, art-filled environment. You do not need to have theatre experience to do this job.


Job Title: House Manager
School of Drama
Meany Studio Theatre, Jones Playhouse, and Hughes Penthouse Theatre, UW-Seattle Campus
Pay Rate: 
Employment Period: 
October 8, 2018 – June 3, 2019
Hours Per Week: Up to 20 hours/week during show weeks (see detailed schedule below)
Contact Supervisor: Holly Arsenault
Phone Number: 206.221.6797
Email Addresshollypla@uw.edu
Website: drama.uw.edu

Nature of Organization

The University of Washington School of Drama develops innovative and courageous artists and scholars poised to be the creative leaders of tomorrow. We produce a mainstage season of 6 plays in three on-campus theatres during the school year. These plays are attended by students, staff and faculty, and members of the Seattle-area community. We also host talks and other special events in collaboration with community organizations, both on and off campus. About 8,000 people pass through the doors of our theatres each year.

Duties and Responsibilities

Are you great with people? Thinking about a career in customer service, hospitality, social work, event management, retail, nonprofit management, or the arts? Want to get experience interfacing with the public and managing volunteers in a fun, art-filled environment? You’d make a great house manager!

The House Manager is the School of Drama’s primary representative to the public during all public performances, acting as a host to attendees, as well as supervising all student volunteers who are serving as ushers. The House Manager’s primary responsibilities are:

– Ensuring the comfort and safety of patrons
– Coordinating with ushers to seat the audience and keep the event on schedule
– Training ushers and helping them create a welcoming environment
– Supporting ticket office staff by assisting with check-in of ticket holders and providing back-up customer service for ticket sellers as needed
– Creating the nightly House Manager report, which is an account of all audience-related activity at each performance, including audience count, any safety-related incidents, and anything else of which School of Drama should be aware
– Managing set up and take down of special events (setting up chairs, setting out food on tables, etc.)
– Staying in close contact with the School of Drama Engagement office, and helping to inform the Engagement office about patron needs and feedback


This position does not have regular hours. It is focused around events taking place in the School of Drama, including plays, talks, receptions, and other special events. Work will primarily take place evenings and weekends, Tuesdays through Sundays, including Sunday matinees (afternoon performances).

During weeks when there is a show or a special event, you will work 3- to 6-hour evening shifts. Each shift includes significant “down” time during which you can do quiet tasks such as homework. During weeks where there are no shows or events, you will not work. It is important that our house managers are able to work evenings during show weeks. Show weeks for the 2018 – 2019 season are as follows:

October 20 – November 4, 2018
November 25 – December 9, 2018
January 19 – February 3, 2019
March 2 – 17, 2019
April 13 – 28, 2019
May 18 – June 2, 2019

Additional events will be added to this schedule over the course of the year.

Minimum Qualifications

This position is right for you if:

– You are able to maintain your composure and professionalism while answering questions, giving directions, explaining policies, and resolving potential conflicts while making sure the event stays on schedule
– You are highly reliable and punctual
– You feel comfortable acting as a trainer and guide to student volunteers, many of whom may be very inexperienced and/or shy
– You are confident and outgoing, and believe you can inspire those qualities in others
– You would rather be on your feet, interacting with people than sitting at a desk typing
– You value a schedule that ebbs and flows in terms of busy-ness, but keeps your daytimes (mostly) free


The School of Drama has a strong commitment to diversity and access. We believe that art is for everyone, and we are actively engaged in dismantling structures that have historically prevented marginalized groups from accessing some arts experiences. Ensuring that every student at the UW has the opportunity to experience theatre is a high priority. Our ideal candidate will be someone who shares our dedication to creating inclusive, welcoming spaces where everyone—from seasoned theatre-goers to first-time attendees—feels comfortable and welcome.

Educational Benefits

You will emerge from this job with robust, marketable experience in volunteer management, customer service, event management, and decision making. You will have the opportunity to experience the process of theatrical production and get a first-hand look at how a play gets presented to an audience. You will have the opportunity to attend shows for free. You will have down time during shows to do class work. You will sometimes get free snacks.

To Apply

Please send a cover letter, resume, and 2 references to hollypla@uw.edu. Open until filled.