Seeking audio-visual collaborator for health education project in Amazonian Bolivia
We’re seeking a creative collaborator with audio-visual skills to contribute to creating educational health videos for rural communities in the Bolivian Amazon, a project funded by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The “Tsimane’ Multi-Medium Public Health Education to Prevent Childhood Illness” project aims to offer public health education to Amerindian communities through (1) visual materials used during in-person workshops, (2) audio scripts broadcast as local radio programs, and (3) audio-visual short programs on DVD.
We currently have scripts and audio recordings (in both Spanish and the local, native language). We are looking for someone to help with (3) (above). The videos can be brief and simple. The DVDs will be distributed to those homes that have electricity and, thus, televisions and DVD players. We are eager to hear your creative ideas!
Spanish is not necessary but would be helpful. Unfortunately, this project only has funding for direct costs so we have to ask you to help us out on a volunteer basis.
If interested, please contact Dr. Erin Masterson ( for more information.