The Odegaard Writing & Research Center (OWRC) is now hiring for multiple hourly student positions for the 2020-2021 academic year. For more information please see this link (, or apply on Handshake.
The OWRC is an interdisciplinary writing and research center that aims to support UW students, staff, and faculty on their diverse writing and research projects through one-to-one tutoring sessions, group tutoring sessions, workshops, and other programs.
Our tutors are undergraduate and graduate students from a wide range of academic fields, and we provide a rich learning environment for writers and tutors alike. We consistently hear from tutors that their work here is challenging and transformative.
Our Student Program Assistant is an undergraduate or graduate student from any academic field, who assists with the day-to-day operations of the OWRC, including office and programmatic support. While this is not a peer writing tutoring position, we still seek applicants who demonstrate reflection, metacognition, and empathetic listening.
Applications for both positions are due on Friday, May 1st at 11:59 pm. We encourage applicants to bring their materials to the OWRC and discuss them with our current tutors—just make an appointment and we’ll see you online.
Please let us know if you have any questions!