AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships Accepting Applications!

Since its inception in 1995, more than $1.25 million dollars has been awarded to 750+ college students of art and design. Apply Now!

AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships benefit underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students who are studying photography, illustration, and design disciplines in colleges and universities in the United States. Scholarships are awarded annually to encourage social and environmental responsibility and cultural awareness in the next generation of artists and designers.

Our primary aims are to increase diversity in the creative professions, and to foster social and environmental responsibility in the artists, designers, and studios of tomorrow. Scholarship recipients are selected not only for their talent and their need, but also for their demonstrated commitment to giving back to the larger community through their work. Each scholarship is paid directly to the recipient’s school and applied toward tuition.

Application Period and Notifications

Get FAFSA ready now! The application period for the 2021/2022 academic school year is now open.

Students will be notified of award status in late-July. Awards will be announced in late-August/early-September. Keep an eye on this page or follow @AIGAdesign for updates. Opt-in to receive future email communications from AIGA:

Application Guide

This is your go-to guide containing all you need to know about eligibility, the application and portfolio requirements, selection and notification process, required financial documentation, and more. Click here when you are ready to start your online application.

Exceptions to eligibility requirements or to the deadline will not be made. Please be sure to read the application instructions in full.

Basic scholarships are awarded in amounts of $2,500–$3,000. One or two top awards may be given in an amount up to $5,000 at the jury’s discretion. Honorable mention prizes in the amount of $500 cash are also awarded. Recipients will receive a one-year AIGA membership.


Educational Requirements
Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA.
Applicants must be pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees in one of the following disciplines:

  • Graphic design
  • Illustration
  • Photography

*Note: Apply in the category that best matches your major.

For more information and to apply, click here!