The Residency – Seeks Teaching Artist

Job Description

The Residency is honored to join the roster of Seattle-based arts organizations partnering with Alan T. Sugiyama High School (ATS) at South Lake to offer unique arts-based coursework, workshops, and curriculum that is not available through any other high school in the Seattle area. By adding innovative new opportunities to the curriculum we are remixing the way learning looks, encouraging students to see that learning through a creative lens & perspective can cultivate future careers in the arts and develop real skills and industry experience.

From Music and Entertainment to Performance Arts, Radio, and Film Making, ATS High School at South Lake has gathered dedicated mentors, experts, and working artists focused on teaching industry-based skills that lead to real world work opportunities post-graduation or pathways to college programs in creative degrees. The Residency is thrilled to be one of those partners.

Our remixing of the learning experience, in partnership with Seattle Public Schools (SPS), allows ongoing, year-round enrollment (even for students who don’t attend ATS South Lake) to join and participate in workshops and courses from our teaching artists and receive credit for the classes towards graduation. The goal of these partnerships is to guide students on the road to careers in the creative arts as a compliment to their core SPS curriculum requirements.

The Residency is proud to join the friends of ATS South Lake in shaping the next generations of artists, musicians, actors, film makers, technicians, directors, and community leaders.

What: A quarter-long program (10 weeks) that leads youth through career exploration and offers hands-on opportunities to further explore areas of interest through classes and off-site field trips. The program consists of two parts:

  • THE CLASS – Instruction and project-based learning course that meets in-person once per week on Wednesdays at ATS. The class will cover topics such as Artivisim, Legacy & Culture of Hip-Hop, and Music Business as they relate to hip hop and music-focused career exploration for the students. The Teaching Artist will lead two of these classes that are each 38 minutes in duration – the same material will be taught at both, but with two different groups of students (around 12 students total). The Teaching Artist will bring in two – four guest speakers during the quarter who can offer additional perspective on a different area of career exploration. The Residency can offer $250 per guest.
  • OFF-SITE LEARNING EXPERIENCE – In-class instruction will be supplemented with one to three off-site experiences in which students get to visit recording studios and other cultural and music-centered spaces relevant to the course material. The Residency staff will help coordinate the logistics of the off-site experience (such as travel to the off-site location), but the Teaching Artist is responsible for developing a lesson around the experience. Potential off-site learning experiences could take place at a recording studio or museum.

When: The class will take place on Wednesdays from April 8 – June 17, 2022 Quarter 4 of the 2021 – 2022 academic year) during the first and second periods (8:45-9:23am and 9:36 – 10:14am, respectively)

Who: Each period will consist of around 12 high school students. The Teaching Artist will work with these same students for the duration of the quarter.

Key Responsibilities

● Develop a curriculum for the class

● Lead the in-person class that meets once per week for 10 weeks

● Bring in two to four guest speakers who will cover a different area of career exploration. The Residency can offer $250 for each guest speaker.

● Take the lead on planning one to three off-site experiences in Seattle with the youth (that will take place during class time).

Basic Qualifications

● Ability to demonstrate an understanding and commitment to using a racial equity lens

● 4+ years of teaching experience with youth

● Experience developing curriculum (for high school aged youth is a plus)

● Organization and attention to detail

Preferred Qualifications

● Positive, proactive, and able to always exercise great judgment

● Demonstrated commitment to youth education

● Connected to creative professionals who you can bring to class as guest speakers


Please email with any questions, and we look forward to reviewing your application!

To apply: Email a resume, cover letter, and rough outline of what you envision for this class (topics you’d cover, guests you’d bring to class, and 1-3 offsite experiences you’d lead) to Please include “ATS Teaching Artist” in the subject line.