UW-IT Student Program is looking to hire a student for the upcoming academic year and we think that this part-time position will be a great job for students studying information technology-related fields.
Handshake link: https://app.joinhandshake.com/stu/jobs/6972652 [app.joinhandshake.com]
- Apply by September 26, 2022 at 12 PM
- Resume
- Cover Letter (Included in the cover letter):
- Availability (days and times)
- Confirmation you will typically be able to work 10-15 hours/week
- Any vacations you know you will be taking (including official university breaks).
Summary of job:
The primary focus of this position is ongoing support, including:
- Supporting the Student Program team with any questions related to UW Connect (UW-IT’s ticket tracking system).
- Following process documentation to ensure Student Program team’s tickets are responded to in a timely manner and kept up to date, which requires following up directly with members of the team.
- Basic tier 2 support for MyPlan, including communicating directly with business partners and students who log tickets.
As the Specialist becomes familiar with the team, work, and processes, increasingly complex assignments will be given. Some examples could include presenting topics at Student Program team meetings, improving our processes, and providing new capabilities for the Student Program at large. As possible, these assignments will aim to fit into areas of study/career that are of interest to the Specialist. These assignments will be second priority to the ongoing support tasks listed above. The volume of support tasks varies greatly; in the past they have taken between 15-60% of the student’s work time.