Artist opportunity at the University of Washington Medical Center


Seeking volunteer visual artists to create small commemorative paintings for our compassionate end-of-life program, the 3 Wishes Project, at the University of Washington Medical Center. Our program’s goal is to improve care for those that are dying and provide support to their families by humanizing the experience and honoring their life. We are looking for artists that would be willing to create small paintings to honor the life of those who are dying as gifts for their family. For more information on our program, click here:

When: Now!

How: We contact you when a patient or family is interested and if you have the bandwidth to participate, we will work with you to figure out a timeframe. The art would be created off site at a location of your preference and on your own schedule. If you aren’t available, we will check in with you next time. We will reimburse for supplies, but the art and your time would be donated.

Interested or have questions? Contact Matthew Smith <>.