Arts Realized / $1000 Award for Art Students


Kerr Law Firm and Joe Bar are proud to announce the first annual presentation of the Arts Realization Award which shall be awarded during the 2016/2017 academic year.

The Kerr Law Firm and Joe Bar are two Seattle based businesses who work closely with the Seattle artistic community and we are very proud to have the opportunity to offer something back.

The Arts Realization Award is an open call and is available to adult residents of King County who are currently enrolled in visual arts classes at a minimum of 12 hours per week.

The winning Artist of the Arts Realization Award shall receive a check for $1,000.  This $1,000 will serve as encouragement for an Artist during his or her time of study and help to defray the costs of education.

Though the 2016/2017 academic year will be the first year of the award, the Kerr Law Firm and Joe Bar envision this as an annual award which will support students for years to come.


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