Underwriting 赞助

As an underwriter of this premier regional event, you will play a prominent role in the connection of professional expertise in sustainable development with exciting opportunities in China and the US Pacific Northwest. The UW College of Built Environments will be responsible for collecting underwriting funds for this event.  For more information about how you can be an underwriter, please contact Prof. Daniel Abramson or Ms. Ruoxi Zhang.  Thank You!

欢迎有关的企业及团体赞助此次盛事,所有赞助款项将为研讨会所用。有意者请与华盛顿大学艾丹教授(Prof. Daniel Abramson)或张若茜女士 (Ms. Ruoxi Zhang) 联系。谢谢!

Daniel Abramson 艾丹
abramson@uw.edu; +1-206-543-2089

Ruoxi Zhang 张若茜
ruoxiz@uw.edu; +1-206-818-8680

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