Akira Akabayashi, MD, PhD, HEC-C
Akira Akabayashi, MD, PhD, HEC-C is a Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo, Japan. He is also an Affiliated Professor of University of Washington, Department of Bioethics and Humanities, USA and a Research Professor of the Division of Medical Ethics, New York University School of Medicine, USA. His research interests span cross-cultural bioethics, global bioethics, public health ethics, research ethics, medical/clinical ethics such as informed consent, organ transplantation, and end-of-life issues, medical humanities such as professionalism, bioethics policy making, neuroethics, and ethics of regenerative medicine. He was also honored as a Fellow of The Hastings Center (USA) in 2008.
As an academic researcher, he has published more than 200 original articles and more than 20 books or chapters in English in addition to many Japanese publications. As a principal investigator, Prof. Akabayashi receives competitive governmental research funds of over one million US dollars annually. As an educator, Prof. Akabayashi has taught bioethics/medical ethics for over 30 years to medical students as well as undergraduate students in many fields and has supervised more than 90 PhD and masters students.
Prof. Akabayashi also serves as chair of the Research Ethics Committee at the University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine. In this capacity, he has reviewed over 30,000 research protocols. He is also the Founding Director of Office for Human Research Studies where he conducts research ethics consultation. Prof. Akabayashi was engaged in clinical ethics consultation as the Founding Director of the Clinical Ethics Center at the University of Tokyo Hospital and dealt with more than 3,000 consultations annually. His clinical experience is also notable. He served for 8 years as a Professor of Department of Psychosomatic Medicine at the University of Tokyo Hospital, promoting biopsychosocial model in medicine. His clinical subspeciality is eating disorder. As a part-time physician, he worked at a hospice for ten years.
He was also a member of several governmental bioethics policy committees in Japan, such as the Bioethics and Biosafety Commission, and the Council for Science and Technology Policy. He also served a member of UNESCO International Bioethics Committee and is now a board member of International Association for Bioethics, and an International Advisory Board, Oxford Centre for Practical Ethics, Oxford, UK. Prof. Akabayashi now serves as an editorial board of Journal of Medical Ethics, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics and an editorial advisor for the journal BMC Medical Ethics, a consulting editor for Asian Bioethics Review, and BioPsychoSocial Medicine. He was also an editor-in-chief of the Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics and was on editorial boards of Health Care Analysis.
Prof. Akabayashi established the first Bioethics Center (University of Tokyo Center of Biomedical Ethics and Law: CBEL) in Asia in 2003. This center was acknowledged as a global Center of Excellence in Japan, highlighting the strong leadership shown by Prof. Akabayashi. This leadership ability is also reflected internationally, as Prof. Akabayashi has advanced a network known as the Global Alliance of Biomedical Ethics Centers (GABEX) that comprises 10 world class bioethics centers including The Hastings Center, USA, and the Ethox Center of Oxford University, UK. The accomplishment of GABEX is published as a book: The Future of Bioethics: International Dialogue, edited by Prof. Akabayashi (Oxford University Press, 2014, by 90 brilliant authors). His ability as an organizer as well as an academic educator and researcher is highly evaluated. His English casebook textbook for multicultural learners, Biomedical Ethics in Asia (2000, McGraw-Hill Medical) which is usable in multicultural settings is going to be revised in the 2nd-edition. His current interest focuses on global bioethics, expanding dialogues among all bioethics researchers in the world. His recent monograph, Bioethics Across the Globe: Rebirthing Bioethics (2020, Springer Nature) received Book Award of Mitsui-Sumitomo Foundation. This monograph was downloaded more than 20,000 times, including Africa, South-East Asia, and South America.
Akira Akabayashi, MD, PhD, HEC-C
Cross-cultural bioethics, global bioethics, medical/clinical ethics such as informed consent, organ transplantation, and end-of-life issues, medical humanities such as professionalism, public health ethics, research ethics, bioethics policy making, neuroethics, and ethics of regenerative medicine.
Publications regarding Medical Ethics/Bioethics and Humanities Education
Representative textbook in English
- Akabayashi, A., Kodama, S., Slingsby, B.T. Biomedical Ethics In Asia: A Casebook for Multicultural Learners. McGraw-Hill (Asia), Singapore, 2010.
Representative textbooks in Japanese
- Akabayashi, A. and Ohbayashi, M. eds. A Casebook of Healthcare Ethics, Igakushoin, Tokyo, 2002
- Akabayashi, A. eds. An Introduction to Biomedical Ethics 1, Keisoshobo, Tokyo, 2005
- Akabayashi, A. eds. An Introduction to Biomedical Ethics 2, Keisoshobo, Tokyo, 2005
- Akabayashi, A., Kurata, N., Kodama, S. Japanese translation of ‘Clinical Ethics’ by Jonsen, A., Siegler, M., Winslade, W. 5th edition, Shinko-igaku, Tokyo, 2006.
- Kodama, S., Akabayashi, A. Japanese translation of ‘A Very Short Introduction: Medical Ethics’ by Hope T. Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 2007.
- Takimoto, Y., Abe, A. Akabayashi, A. eds. A Casebook of Patient Consultation, Igakushoin, Tokyo, 2010.
- Akabayashi, A. eds. An Introduction to Biomedical Ethics 3, Keisoshobo, Tokyo, 2015.
- Yamamoto, K., Nakazawa, E., Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Japanese translation of ‘Bioethics: The Basics’ by Alastair V. Campbell. Keisoshobo, Tokyo, 2016.
Other Journal Publications related to bioethics/medical ethics and humanities education
- Miyasaka, M., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I., Ohi, G. An international survey of medical ethics curricula in Asia. Journal of Medical Ethics 25: 6; 514-521, 1999.
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T., Kai, I., Nishimura, T., Yamagishi, A. The development of a brief and objective method for evaluating moral sensitivity and reasoning in medical students. BMC Medical Ethics 2004, 5:1 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6939/5/1
- Nishimura, T., Miyasaka, M., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I., Ohi, G. The development of evaluation method for bioethics education in Japan – a questionnaire for measuring the ethical problem identification ability. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 5:73-77, 1995.
- Akabayashi, A., Kai, I. Study of 5th-year medical student interest in medical ethics and related factors. Medical Education 30:221-226, 1999.
- Akabayashi, A., Miyasaka, M., Kai, I., Ohi, G. Survey of Medical Ethics education in Japanese medical schools. Medical Education 30:47-53, 1999.
- Shoji, S., Ohbayashi, M., Morisita, N., Shirahama, M., Akabayashi, A. The medical ethics education curriculum propose in the undergraduate medical education: Japan Society for Medical Education Working Group of Education of Medical Ethics. Medical Education 32:3-6, 2001.
- Shoji, S., Ohbayashi, M., Morisita, N., Akabayashi, A., Shirahama, M.. The medical ethics education manual in the undergraduate medical education: Japan Society for Medical Education Working Group of Education of Medical Ethics. Medical Education 33:113-119, 2002.
- Shoji, S., Akabayashi, A., Ohbayashi, M., Morisita, N., Shirahama, M.. Report of the first workshop for leaders of medical ethics education in post-graduate clinical training. Japan Society for Medical Education Committee of Ethics education. Medical Education 37:9-15, 2006.
- Matsui, K., Kanagawa, R., Kodama, S., Akabayashi, A. Current and future public health ethics education in Japan. Medical Education 40:117-122, 2009.
Publication List (English): (Medical Ethics/Bioethics/Medical Humanities)
*Only publications in English are listed. There are many other Japanese publications.
Original articles*
- Akabayashi, A., Morioka, M. Research on dead persons. Ann. Intern. Med. 111 (1): 89, 1989.
- Akabayashi, A., Morioka, M. Ethical issues raised by medical use of brain-dead bodies in the 1990s. BioLaw II (48): S531-538, 1991.
- Akabayashi, A. Financing health care- A Japanese perspective. Health Care Analysis 3: 123-125, 1995.
- Akabayashi, A. Open letter to those diet members responsible for legislating Japanese organ transplantation. Health Care Analysis 3: 358-360, 1995.
- Sass, H., Bonkovsky, F., Akabayashi, A. Kielstein, R., Olick, R.S. Advance Health Care Documents in Multicultural Perspective, Ann. Rev. of Law and Ethics. Band 4, 465-508, 1996.
- Akabayashi, A. Finally done -- Japan's final decision on organ transplantation. The Hastings Center Report Sep-Oct, 47, 1997.
- Akabayashi, A. Japan's parliament passes brain-death law. The Lancet 349: 9069, 1895, 1997.
- Voltz R., Akabayashi, A., Reese, C., Ohi, G., Saas, H.M. (1997) Organization and patients' perception of palliative care: A crosscultural comparison. Palliative Medicine 11: 351-357, 1997.
- Ohi, G., Uemura, I., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I., Miyasaka, M., Naka, K. Preventive behaviors against HIV transmission adopted by Japanese commercial sex workers. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 3: 132-134, 1997.
- Akabayashi, A. Questions raised over release of side-effects data in Japan. The Lancet 350: 9071, 124, 1997.
- Akabayashi, A. Female circumcision - A health issue or a human rights issue. Health Care Analysis 6 (1): 55-58, 1998.
- Takai, A., Wongkhomthong, S., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I., Ohi, G., Naka, K. Correlation between history of contact with people living with HIV/AIDS(PWAs) and Tolerant Attitudes toward HIV/AIDS and PWAs in rural Thailand. Int. J. STD and AIDS 9: 482-484, 1998.
- Voltz R., Akabayashi, A., Reese, C., Ohi, G., Sass, H.M. End-of-life decisions and advance directives in palliative care: A crosscultural survey of patients and health care professionals. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 16: 153-162, 1998.
- Ohi, G., Akabayashi, A., Miyasaka, M. Japan's health care system as egalitarian: A brief analysis of its history and selected social systems. Health Care Analysis 6 (2): 141-149, 1998.
- Nishimura-Takahashi, T., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I., Cabigon, J., Ohi, G., Naka, K. Social and Behavioral Factors Associated with condom use among female commercial sex workers (CSWs) in Tarlac, the Philippines. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2 (4): 167-171, 1998.
- Akabayashi, A., Kai, I., Takemura, H., Okazaki, H. Truth telling in the case of a pessimistic diagnosis in Japan. The Lancet 354;1263, 1999.
- Akabayashi, A., Fetters, M.D., Elwyn T.S. Family consent, communication, and advance directive for cancer disclosure: A Japanese case and discussion. Journal of Medical Ethics 25 :4; 296-301, 1999.
- Miyasaka, M., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I., Ohi, G. An international survey of medical ethics curricula in Asia. Journal of Medical Ethics 25: 6; 514-521, 1999.
- Voltz R., Akabayashi, A., Reese, C., Ohi, G., Sass, H.M. Attitude of health care professionals towards clinical decisions in palliative care: A cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Clinical Ethics 10: 4; 309-315, 1999.
- Akabayashi, A. Transplantation from a Brain Dead Donor in Japan. The Hastings Center Report May-June 29(3): 48, 1999.
- Akabayashi, A., Fetters, M.D. Paying for informed consent. Journal of Medical Ethics 26: 3; 212-214, 2000.
- Matsushima, T., Akabayashi, A., Nishitateno, K. Bereavement care in Hospice /palliative care seetings: A survey of the family members of deceased about bereavement care and future prospects. Jpn J Pshycosom Med 41: 429-437, 2001.
- Matsushima, T., Akabayashi, A., Nishitateno, K. The current status of bereavement follow-up in hospice and palliative care in Japan. Palliative Medicine 16: 151-158, 2002.
- Akabayashi, A. Euthanasia, assisted suicide, and cessation of life support: Japan’s policy, law, and an analysis of whistle blowing in two recent mercy killing cases. Social Science & Medicine 55: 517-527, 2002.
- Akabayashi, A., Nishimori, M., Fujita, M., Slingsby BT. Living related liver transplantation: a Japanese experience and development of a checklist for donor’s informed consent. Gut 52: 152, 2003.
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T. Biomedical ethics in Japan: the second stage. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12(3):261-4, 2003.
- Akabayashi, A. Unethical author attribution. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12: 124-130, 2003.
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T,. Kai, I. Perspectives on advance directives in Japanese society: A population-based questionnaire survey. BMC Medical Ethics 2003 4(5). http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6939/4/5
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T., Kai, I., Nishimura, T., Yamagishi, A. The development of a brief and objective method for evaluating moral sensitivity and reasoning in medical students. BMC Medical Ethics 2004, 5:1 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6939/5/1
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T., Fujita, M. The first donor death after living-related liver transplantation in Japan. Transplantation 77: 634, 2004.
- Slingsby, B.T., Nagao, N., Akabayashi, A. Administrative legislation in Japan: guidelines on scientific and ethical standards. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13: 245-253, 2004.
- Fujita, M., Slingsby, B.T., Akabayashi, A. Three patterns of voluntary consent in the case of adult to adult living related liver transplantation in Japan. Transplantation Proceedings 36: 1425-1428, 2004.
- Sato, H., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I. Public Appraisal of Government Efforts and Participation Intent in Medico-ethical Policymaking in Japan: A large scale national survey concerning brain death and organ transplant. BMC Medical Ethics 2005; 6(1):1.
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T., Takimoto, Y. Conflict of interests: A Japanese perspective. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14: 277-280, 2005.
- Slingsby, B.T., Akabayashi, A. Live organ-donation for islet transplantation. Lancet 366: 26-27, 2005.
- Sato, H., Akabayashi, A. Bioethical policy making for advanced medical technologies: Institutional characteristics and citizen participation in eight OECD countries. Review of Policy Research 22 (4): 571-587, 2005.
- Slingsby BT, Kodama S, Akabayashi A. Scientific misconduct in Japan: the present paucity of oversight policy. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (3): 294-7, 2006.
- Fujita, M., Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T., Kosugi, S., Fujimoto, Y., Tanaka, K. A model of donors’ decision-making in adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation in Japan: ‘Having no choice.’ Liver Transplantation 12 (5): 768-74, 2006.
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T. Informed consent revisited: Japan and the U.S. American Journal of Bioethics 6 (1): 9-14, 2006.
- Sato, H., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I. Appraisal of the policymaking process in Japan for gene therapy: Results of national surveys of academic societies, hospitals, and medical schools. Med Sci Monit 12 (9): PH7-15, 2006.
- Slingsby, B.T., Yamada, S., Akabayashi, A. Four physician communication styles in routine Japanese outpatient medical encounters. J Gen Intern Med 21 (10): 1057-62, 2006.
- Sato, H., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I. Public, experts, and acceptance of advanced medical technologies: the case of organ transplant and gene therapy in Japan. Health Care Anal 14 (4): 203-14, 2006.
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T. Response to Open Peer Commentaries on "Informed Consent Revisited: Japan and the US" American Journal of Bioethics 6 (1): W27-28, 2006.
- Slingsby, B.T., Plotnikoff, G.A., Mizuno, T., Akabayashi, A. Physician strategies for addressing patient adherence to prescribed psychotropic medications in Japan: a qualitative study. J Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 32: 241-245, 2007.
- Matsushima, T., Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T., Nishitateno, K. Evaluation of program to cerebrate seasonal events in Japanese hospice patients. Palliative and Supportive Care 5: 251-254, 2007.
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T., Nagao, N., Kai, I., Sato, H. An eight-year follow-up national study of medical school and general hospital ethics committees in Japan. BMC Med Ethics Jun 29; 8: 8, 2007.
- Takimoto, Y., Maeda, S., Slingsby, B.T., Harada, K., Nagase, T., Nagawa, H., Nagai, R., Akabayashi, A. A template for informed consent forms in medical examination and treatment: an intervention study. Med Sci Moni. Aug; 13 (8): PH15-8, 2007.
- Akabayashi, A., Kodama, S., Slingsby, B.T. Is Asian bioethics really the solution? Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics Summer; 17 (3): 270-2, 2008.
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T., Nagao, N., Kai, I., Sato, H. A five year follow-up national study of ethics committees in medical organizations in Japan. HEC Forum Mar; 20(1): 49-60, 2008.
- Nagao, N., Aulisio, M.P., Nukaga, Y., Fujita, M., Kosugi, S., Youngner, S., Akabayashi, A. Clinical ethics consultation: examining how American and Japanese experts analyze an Alzheimer's case. BMC Med Ethics Jan 29; 9: 2, 2008.
- Akabayashi, A. Eyes Wide Open: Blinded Views on Ethnic Identity. Asian Bioethics Review 1(1): 65-66, 2009.
- Nagai, H., Nukaga, Y., Saeki, K., Akabayashi, A. Self-regulation of recombinant DNA technology in Japan in the 1970s. Historia Scientiarum 19: 1-18, 2009.
Akabayashi, A. Bioethics in Japan (1980-2009): Importation, Development, and the Future. Asian Bioethics Review 1(3): 267-278, 2009.
Fujita, M., Slingsby, B.T., Akabayashi, A. Transplant tourism from Japan. American J Bioethics 10 (2): 24-6, 2010.
Doshi, P., Akabayashi, A. Japanese childhood vaccination policy. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3): 283-9, 2010.
Fujita, M., Matsui, K., Monden, M., Akabayashi, A. Attitudes of medical professionals and transplantation facilities toward living-donor liver transplantation in Japan. Transplant Proc 42 (5): 1453-9, 2010.
Akabayshi, A. Obligations of physicians near the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster (rapid response), BMJ April, 8, 2011. http://www.bmj.com/content/342/bmj.d1987/reply#bmj_el_256812
Takahashi, S., Akabayashi, A. Earthquake in Japan. Lancet 377 (9778): 1653-54, 2011.
Akabayashi, A., Kodama, S. Lessons from Japan’s March 2011 earthquake regarding dialysis patients. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 15 (3): 334, 2011.
Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Clinical ethics consultation in Japan: the University of Tokyo model. Asian Bioethics Review 3(3): 283-292, 2011.
Yoshiuchi, K., Akabayashi, A. Japan’s nuclear crisis. Lancet Oncology 12(8): 724-5, 2011.
Akabayashi A. Fukushima research needs world's support. Science. Aug 5; 333 (6043): 696, 2011.
Murakami K, Hashimoto H, Lee JS, Kawakubo K, Mori K, Akabayashi A. Distinct impact of education and income on habitual exercise: a cross-sectional analysis in a rural city in Japan. Soc Sci Med. Dec; 73 (12): 1683-8, 2011.
Akabayashi A, Hayashi Y. Mandatory evacuation of residents during the Fukushima nuclear disaster: an ethical analysis. J Public Health (Oxf). Aug; 34 (3): 348-51, 2012. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdr114. Epub 2012 Jan 12.
Akabayashi A. Must I stay? --- The Obligations of Physicians in Proximity to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Camb Q Healthc Ethics Jul; 21(3): 392-5, 2012.
Takahashi S, Fujita M, Fujimoto A, Fujiwara T, Yano T, Tsutsumi O, Taketani Y, Akabayashi A. The decision-making process for the fate of frozen embryos by Japanese infertile women: a qualitative study. BMC Med Ethics. 2012 May 20; 13: 9. doi: 10.1186/1472-6939-13-9.
Akabayashi A, Takimoto Y, Hayashi Y. Physician obligation to provide care during disasters: should physicians have been required to go to Fukushima? J Med Ethics. Nov; 38 (11): 697-8, 2012. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2011-100216. Epub 2012 Apr 27.
Akabayashi, A, Hayashi, Y. Informed consent revisited: Global perspective. In Akabayashi ed. The Future of Bioethics: International Dialogues, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp.735-749, 2014.
Akabayashi, A, Hayashi, Y. Response to Commentaries. Informed consent, Family, and Autonomy. In Akabayashi ed. The Future of Bioethics: International Dialogues, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp.766-773, 2014.
Fujita, M., Hayashi, Y., Tashiro, S., Takashima, K., Nakazawa, E., Akabayashi, A. Handling incidental findings in neuroimaging research in Japan: current state of research facilities and attitudes of investigators and the general population. Health Res Policy Syst. 12:58, 2014. doi: 10.1186/1478-4505-12-58.
Fujita, M., Hatta, T., Ozeki, R., Akabayashi, A. The current status of clinics providing private practice cell therapy in Japan. Regen Med. 11 (1): 23-32, 2016. doi: 10.2217/rme.15.64. Epub 2015 Sep 17.
Nakazawa, E., Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Social framework surrounding the development of regenerative medicine in Japan. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (3): 468-71, 2016.
Nakazawa, E., Yamamoto, K., Tachibana, K., Toda, S., Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Ethics of Decoded Neurofeedback in Clinical Research, Treatment, and Moral Enhancement. AJOB Neuroscience 7:2, 110-117, 2016.
Takahashi, S., Fujita, M., Akabayashi, A. "Mottainai" Embryos and the Earthquake. Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics 7: 258. 2016. doi: 10.4172/2155-9627.10002582017 https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/mottainai-embryos-and-the-earthquake-2155-9627-1000258.pdf
Uetake, Y., Akabayashi, A., Yatomi, Y. Environment for Research Ethics in Japan. Clinical Case Reports, Research & Trialsr 1:1-4, 2016.
Takashima, K., Takimoto,Y., Nakazawa, E., Hayashi, Y., Tsuchiya, A., Fujita, M., Akabayashi, A. Discovery and informing research participants of incidental findings detected in brain magnetic resonance imaging studies: Review and multi-institutional study. Brain Behav. Mar 29;7(5):e00676, 2017. doi: 10.1002/brb3.676.
Takimoto Y, Nakazawa E, Tsuchiya A, Akabayashi A. Ordinary Citizens’ Expectations for Regenerative Medicine and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Researches in Japan. Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics 8:311, 2017. doi: 10.4172/2155-9627.1000311
Nakazawa, E., Yamamoto, K., Akabayashi, A., Akabayashi, A. Regulations on genome editing of human embryos in Japan: Our moral moratorium. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (3): 360-365, 2018. (doi: 10.1017/S0963180117000743)
Toda, S., Nakazawa, E., Yamamoto, K., Akabayashi, A. From “cannot” function to “might” function: Assessment of actual levels of consciousness and potential consciousness in patient care: Japanese experiences. AJOB Neuroscience 9:1, 20-22, 2018.
Nakazawa, E., Yamamoto, K., Akabayashi, A. Fate or Desert: a Critique of the Random Selection Criterion in Clinical Trials. AJOB 18(4):1-2, 2018.
Akabayashi, A., Nakazawa, E., Ozeki, R., Tomiyama, K., Mori, K., Demme, R., Akabayashi, A. Twenty years after enactment of the Organ Transplant Law in Japan: Why are there still so few deceased donors? Transplantation Proceedings 50:1209-1219, 2018.
Nakazawa, E., Shimanouchi A., Akabayashi, A., Akabayashi, A. Should the Japanese government support travels for transplantation as a policy under the National Health Insurance system? Transplant International 31: 670-671, 2018.
Toda, S., Yamamoto, K., Nakazawa, E., Akabayashi, A. Bridging matters of uncertainty: The importance of focusing on the “state in between” for disorders of consciousness. AJOB Neuroscience 9: 83-87, 2018.
Akabayashi, A., Nakazawa, E., Jecker, N. Endangerment of the iPSC stock project in Japan: on the ethics of public funding policies. Journal of Medical Ethics 44: 700-702, 2018. Aug 7. pii: medethics-2018-105024. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2018-105024.
Akabayashi, A., Nakazawa, E., Ino, H., Ozeki-Hayashi, R., Jecker, NS. Sacrificing the Fukushima 50 again? Journal of Public Health doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdy143, 2018.
Nakazawa, E., Maeda, S., Yamamoto, K., Akabayashi, A., Uetake, Y., Demme, R., Shaw, M., Akabayashi, A. Reuse of cardiac organs in transplantation: an ethical analysis. BMC Medical Ethics 19(1):77, 2018. doi: 10.1186/s12910-018-0316-z.
Akabayashi, A., Nakazawa, E., Jecker NS. Japan must tighten up clinical trial of stem cells for heart failure. Nature 560(7719):431, 2018. doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-06015-x.
Arai, N., Takimoto, Y., Nakazawa, E., Akabayashi, A. Considerations on the factors influencing living-kidney donors' autonomous decision-making: a systematic literature review. Transplantation Proceedings 50: 3036-3044,2018.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Uetake Y. Two major concerns surrounding governmental approval of tumourectomized kidney transplants in Japan. Nephrology and Renal Diseases 3(2):1–2, 2018. doi: 10.15761/NRD.1000139.
Akabayashi, A., Nakazawa, E., Caplan A.L. Who decide? Professional integrity of scientific researchers in this era about genome editing. Nature 564:190, 2018.
Nakazawa E, Yamamoto K, Ozeki-Hayashi R, Akabayashi A. A Global Dialogue on Withholding and Withdrawal of Medical Care: An East Asian Perspective. Am J Bioeth. 2019 Mar;19(3):50-52. doi: 10.1080/15265161.2018.1563650.
Nakazawa E, Yamamoto K, Akabayashi A, Shaw MH, Demme RA, Akabayashi A. Will you give my kidney back? Organ restitution in living-related kidney transplantation: ethical analyses. J Med Ethics. 2019 Sep 19. pii: medethics-2019-105507. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2019-105507.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Ino H. Incidence of Thyroid Cancer Among Children and Young Adults in Fukushima, Japan. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Jun 13. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2019.1105.
Akabayashi A. Therapeutic misconception and the role of the Research Ethics Committee. Regen Med. 2019 Aug 23. doi: 10.2217/rme-2018-0159.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Implementation of Japan's First Clinical Research Regulatory Law: Background, Overview, and Challenges.
HEC Forum. 2019 Dec;31(4):283-294. doi: 10.1007/s10730-019-09379-3.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Jecker NS. Adhering to Ethical Benchmarks in Neurology Clinical Trials Using iPSCs. Neurotherapeutics. 2019 Mar 28. doi: 10.1007/s13311-019-00728-1.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Jecker NS. The world's first clinical trial for an aplastic anemia patient with thrombocytopenia administering platelets generated from autologous iPS cells. Int J Hematol. 2019 Feb;109(2):239-240. doi: 10.1007/s12185-018-02565-y.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Jecker NS. What are considered 'good facts'? J Med Ethics. 2019 Jul;45(7):473-475. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2018-105333. Epub 2019 Feb 18.
Nakazawa E, Yamamoto K, Ozeki-Hayashi R, Akabayashi A. Why Can’t Japanese People Decide?—Withdrawal of Ventilatory Support in End-of-Life Scenarios and Their Indecisiveness Asian Bioethics Review 11: 343-347, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41649-019-00107-0
Ozeki-Hayashi R, Fujita M, Tsuchiya A, Hatta T, Nakazawa E, Takimoto Y, Akabayashi A. Beliefs held by breast surgeons that impact the treatment decision process for advanced breast cancer patients: a qualitative study. Breast Cancer 2019 Jul 17;11:221-229. doi: 10.2147/BCTT.S208910. eCollection 2019.
Ino H, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Health and welfare in Japan. Lancet. 2019 Nov 2;394(10209):1614-1615. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31805-7.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, S Jecker NS. The world’s first clinical trial using iPS cell sheets for corneal epithelial stem cell deficiency. New Frontiers in Ophthalmology 2019. 5:1-2. doi: 10.15761/NFO.1000232
Mori, T., Mori, K., Nakazawa, E., Bito, S., Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Characterizing patients issued DNR orders who are ultimately discharged alive: a retrospective observational study in Japan. BMC Palliat Care. 2020; 19: 82. Published online 2020 Jun 9. doi: 10.1186/s12904-020-00588-z
Nakazawa E, Ino H, Akabayashi A. Chronology of COVID-19 Cases on the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship and Ethical Considerations: A Report From Japan. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2020 Mar 24:1-8. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2020.50. Online ahead of print.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Caplan AL. The Goals of Medicine: Time to Take Another Look. In Bioethics Across the Globe: Rebirthing Bioethics, Akabayashi A, Singapore: Springer. 2020. pp42–46.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Ino H, Jecker NS. Lessons Learned from Fukushima: Thyroid Cancer Screening Preparedness for Radiation Exposure. In Bioethics Across the Globe: Rebirthing Bioethics, Akabayashi A, Singapore: Springer. 2020. pp61–68.
Akabayashi A, Shimanouchi A, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Do Professional Athletes Have the Right to Dispute a Referee’s Judgment? An Ethical Analysis of Sumo Wrestling in Japan. In Bioethics Across the Globe: Rebirthing Bioethics, Akabayashi A, Singapore: Springer. 2020. pp.100–112.
Ino H, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Drug Repurposing for COVID-19: Ethical Considerations and Roadmaps. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. 2020 Jun 5:1-8. doi: 10.1017/S0963180120000481.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Jecker NS. Adhering to Ethical Benchmarks in Neurology Clinical Trials Using iPSCs. Neurotherapeutics. 2020 Apr;17(2):606-608. doi: 10.1007/s13311-019-00728-1.
Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Covid-19, global ethics, and Jihi: A voice from East Asian philosophy. Indian J Med Ethics. 2021 Apr-Jun;VI(2):1-6. doi: 10.20529/IJME.2020.126.
Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Unauthorized Immigrants in Japan Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences. 2021; 32(1):75-88.
Nakazawa E, Yamamoto K, London AJ, Akabayashi A. Solitary death and new lifestyles during and after COVID-19: wearable devices and public health ethics. BMC Med Ethics. 2021 Jul 10;22(1):89. doi: 10.1186/s12910-021-00657-9.
Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Citizen and Patient Participation in Precision Medicine: Epilepsy Treatment Using Brain Organoids Derived from iPS Cells. AJOB Neuroscience. 2022 Apr-Jun;13(2):138-140. doi: 10.1080/21507740.2022.2048737.
Nakazawa E, Margie H. Shaw MH, Akabayashi A. The Ethical Acceptability of a Recipient’s Choice of Donor in Directed and Nondirected Transplantation: Japanese Perspective. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2022; 1–6. doi:10.1017/S0963180122000214
Nakazawa E, Mori, K, Udagawa M, Akabayashi A. A Cross-Sectional Study of Attitudes toward Willingness to Use Enhancement Technologies: Implications for Technology Regulation and Ethics. BioTech 2022;11: 21. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Takahashi S, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. In Whose Best Interest? Parental Hesitancy toward the COVID‐19 Vaccine for Children in Japan: A Literature Survey Study. COVID 2022;2: 827–836. https://doi.org/10.3390/covid2070060
Udagawa M, Nakazawa E, Ichinohe S, Akabayashi Ar, Akabayashi Ak. Toward the Practice of Moral and Human Education Using “Dialogue” in Japan. Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences. 2022; 33- l.
Nakazawa E, Mori K, Akabayashi A. Individual experiences with being pushed to limits and variables that influence the strength to which these are felt: A cross-sectional survey study. J 2022, 5, 358–368. https://doi.org/10.3390/j5030024
Mori T, Deasy Y, Kenemoto E, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Narratives on the Current Medical Situation in Japan According to Highly Specialized Foreign Professionals. Healthcare. 2022, 10, 1694. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10091694
Arai N, Takimoto Y, Nakazawa E, Ishimura T, Yokoyama N, Hara M, Ozeki-Hayashi R, Akabayashi, A. Psychosocial and ethical behaviors and attitudes of healthcare professionals in the clinical setting of living kidney donors: A qualitative study. Transplantation Proceedings 2022 Aug 16:S0041-1345(22)00444-4. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2022.04.026.
Ino H, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Ethical and humanistic analysis of the new style of medicine for the post-COVID-19 era. Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 2022; 33- l, 9.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E. Autonomy in Japan: What does it look like? Asian Bioethics Review 2022 https://doi.org/10.1007/s41649-022-00213-6
Sato H, Fujita M, Tsuchiya A, Hatta T, Mori K, Nakazawa E, Takimoto Y, Akabayashi A. Disclosing a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder to pediatric patients without intellectual disability in Japan in early diagnostic stages and associated factors: A cross-sectional study. BioPsychoSocial Medicine 2022;16(1):18.doi: 10.1186/s13030-022-00247-0.
Nakazawa E, Maeda S, Udagawa M, Akabayashi A. Should research use of patients’ medical information require approval of attending physicians? Publication 2022, 10, 27. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications10030027.
Nakazawa E, Udagawa M, Akabayashi A Does the use of AI to create academic research papers undermine researcher originality? AI 2022, 3, 702–706. https://doi.org/10.3390/ai3030040
Maeda S, Nakazawa E, Kamishiraki E, Ishikawa E, Murata M, Mori K, Akabayashi A. An exploratory study on information manipulation by doctors: awareness, actual state, and ethical tolerance. Clin. Pract. 2022, 12, 723–733. https://doi.org/10.3390/clinpract12050075
Udagawa M, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Courses of study for the high-school subject “The Public” and its authorized textbooks: Proposals for a more humanistic secondary education. Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences. 2022; 33- l.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Ino H. Decision Making Capacity to refuse treatment at the end of life: need for recognizing real-world practices. Clinics and Practice. 2022, 12, 760–765. https://doi.org/10.3390/clinpract12050079
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E. Roles of 2nd generation philosophical bioethicists: what is really needed? IJME. Published online first on September 15, 2022. DOI: 10.20529/ IJME.2022.069
Ozeki-Hayashi R, Nakazawa E, Truog R, Akabayashi A. Initiation and withdrawal of invasive ventilation with tracheostomy for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A narrative literature review. J 2022, 5, 402–409. https://doi.org/10.3390/j5030027
Urade M, Fujita M, Tsuchiya A, Mori K, Nakazawa E, Takimoto Y, Akabayashi A.. Facts and recommendations regarding when medical institutions report potential abuse to child guidance centers: A cross-sectional study. Pediatric Reports 2022 Nov 2; 14(4):479-490. doi: 10.3390/pediatric14040056.
Kon A, Yamamoto K, Nakazawa E, Ozeki-Hayashi R, Akabayashi A. An American's Experience with End-of-Life Care in Japan: Comparing Brain Death, Limiting and Withdrawing Life-Prolonging Interventions, and Healthcare Ethics Consultation Practices in Japan and the United States. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2022;12(1):93-102. doi: 10.1353/nib.2022.0019.
Ozeki-Hayashi, R.; Nakazawa, E.; Truog, R.; Akabayashi, A. Initiation and Withdrawal of Invasive Ventilation for Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Narrative Literature Review. J 2022, 5, 402–409. https://doi.org/10.3390/j5030027
Nakazawa, E.; Akabayashi, A. Quota System in Japanese Politics, Healthcare and Education: Women's Rights and Equality. Sexes 2022, 3(4):508–514. Published 2022 Oct 7. doi: 10.3390/sexes3040037.
Ozeki-Hayashi, R.; Nakazawa, E.; Akabayashi, A. Curriculum Proposal for Social Justice Education: A Case Study within High School and College in Japan. Youth 2022, 2, 505–514. https://doi.org/10.3390/ youth2040036
Nakazawa, E.; Yamamoto, K.; Reina Ozeki-Hayashi, R.O.; Shaw, M.S.; and Akabayashi, A. Is It Worth Knowing That You Might Die Tomorrow? Revisiting the Ethics of Prognosis Disclosure. Clinics and Practice. 2022, 12, 803–808. https://doi.org/10.3390/ clinpract12050084
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Mori K. Do Papers with Japanese authors Have a Different Number of Authors? A Follow-Up Study after 25 Years and Implication for Other Countries. Publications. 2022, 10(4):38. doi: 10.3390/publications10040038
Miwa E, Shoji E, Nakazawa, E., Akabayashi A. Family Care Relationships in Reproductive Justice. Women 2022, 2, 339–345. https://doi.org/10.3390/ women2040031
Ishikawa E, Maeda S, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. 2022. Medical institutions’ response to child abuse: Survey across Japan. J 2022 Nov 16; 5(4):500-511. doi: 10.3390/j5040034.
Takahashi, S.; Nakazawa, E.; Ichinohe, S.; Akabayashi, A.; Akabayashi, A. Wearable Technology for Monitoring Respiratory Rate and SpO2 of COVID-19 Patients: A Systematic Review. Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2563. https://doi.org/10.3390/ diagnostics12102563
Mori T, Deasy Y, Mori K, Nakazawa E, Akabayash A. in print. An Exploratory Quantitative Study of Factors Associated with Dissatisfaction with Japanese Healthcare among Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals Living in Japan. BioMed 2022, 2, 431–441. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomed2040034.
Nagai H, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. The creation of the Belmont Report and its effect on ethical principles: A historical study. Monash Bioethics Review 2022 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40592-022-00165-5.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Ino H. Ethics of treatment decisions for extremely premature new-borns with poor prognoses: Shared decision-making and global resource allocation revisited. Pediatric Reports 14(4):491-496. 2022 Nov 3. doi: 10.3390/pediatric14040057.
Komada TM, Lee JS, Watanabe E, Nakazawa E, Mori K, Akabayashi A. Factors of influenza vaccine inoculation and non-inoculation behavior of community-dwelling residents in Japan: Suggestions for vaccine policy and public health ethics after COVID-19. Vaccine: X 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvacx.2022.100245
Akabayashi A, Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E. Mask-wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic: A theoretical analysis from the perspective of public health ethics. BioMed 2022 Nov 3; 2(4):386-390. doi: 10.3390/biomed2040030.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E. What Does It Mean to Truly Empathize with a Patient? An Analysis of Japanese Cases Employing the Narrative Approach Perspective. Healthcare 2022, 10, 1884. https://doi.org/10.3390/ healthcare10101884
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E. Would major incompatible blood type lung transplants be standard care? Transplant International. 2022 Aug 17; 35:10666. doi: 10.3389/ti.2022.10666. eCollection 2022.
Akabayashi A, Nakazawa E, Ino H. Could artificial intelligence hijack author contributions? Nature. 2022 Jun;606(7915):653. doi: 10.1038/d41586-022-01697-w.
Ino H, Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A. Behavior contracts in psychiatric practice and everyday situations: A psychological and psychiatric viewpoint. Psychiatry Int. 2023, 4, 12–17. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/psychiatryint4010002
Nakazawa E, Tachibana K, Yamamoto K, Akabayashi A, The Neuroethics of Memory’s Social Value: To what extent can neurotechnologies that manipulate memory be permitted? Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (1): 1–11, 2023.
Biopreserv Biobank 21(5):518-526, 2023. doi: 10.1089/bio.2022.0041.
Kato H, Nakazawa E, Mori K, Akabayashi A, Disclosure of Spousal Death to Patients with Dementia: Attitude and Actual Behavior of Care Managers. Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ 13(2):419-428, 2023. doi: 10.3390/ejihpe13020031.
Nakazawa E, Akabayashi A, Fair Distribution of Burdens and Vulnerable Groups with Physical Distancing during a Pandemic In: Pandemic Ethics: From COVID-19 to Disease X. Edited by: Savulescu J & Wilkinson D, Oxford University Press, 2023. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780192871688.003.0016
Akabayashi A, Zion D, The Limitations of Ethical Review: the Protection-Inclusion Dilemma Asian Bioeth Rev 16(1):11-14, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s41649-023-00265-2. eCollection 2024 Jan.
Akabayashi A, Publish and perish: New issues in publication ethics. Indian J Med Ethics IX(2):147-148, 2024. doi: 10.20529/IJME.2024.017.
Akabayashi A, Zion D, Public Health Ethics Issues Arising in Relation to the COVID-19 Mask Debate in Japan. Public Health Ethics 17 (1–2): 80–83, 2024
Books in English
- Akabayashi, A., Kodama, S., Slingsby, B.T. Biomedical Ethics In Asia: A Casebook for Multicultural Learners. McGraw-Hill (Asia), Singapore, 2010.
- Akabayashi A. ed. The Future of Bioethics: International Dialogues, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014.
- Akabayashi, A. Bioethics Across the Globe: Rebirthing Bioethics, Springer Nature, 2020.
Book chapters and DVDs
- Akabayashi, A. The concept of happiness in oriental thought and its significance in clinical medicine. In Japanese and Western Bioethics, Philosophy & Medicine Series 54, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp.161-164, 1997.
- Akabayashi, A. "To Intervene?". In Thomasma D.C. and Kushner T. eds., Ward Ethics, Cambridge University Press, NY, pp. 244-247, 2001.
- Akabayashi, A. "Misrepresenting Research". In Thomasma D.C. and Kushner T. eds., Ward Ethics, Cambridge University Press, NY, pp. 249-251, 2001
- Akabayashi, A., Voltz, R. Advance Directives in Different Cultures. In Portenoy R.K. and Bruera E. eds., Topics in Palliative Care vol. 5, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp.107-122, 2001.
- Akabayashi, A., Slingsby, B.T., Voltz, R. Advance Directives. In Bruera E. eds., Palliative Care in Neurology. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 356-362, 2004.
- Global Alliance of Biomedical Ethics Centers (GABEX) International Conference 1, Akabayashi, A. ed. (6 DVD discs) Maruzen, Tokyo, 2009.
- Kodama, S. and Akabayashi, A. Neither a “person” nor a “thing”: The Controversy concerning the Moral and Legal Status of Human Embryos in Japan, in Capps, B.J. and Campbell, A.V. eds., Contested Cells: Global Perspectives on the Stem Cell Debate, Imperial College Press, London, pp. 421-439, 2010.
- Global Alliance of Biomedical Ethics Centers (GABEX) International Conference 2, Akabayashi, A. ed. (10 DVD discs) Maruzen, Tokyo, 2010.
Representative textbooks in Japanese
- Akabayashi, A. and Ohbayashi, M. eds. A Casebook of Healthcare Ethics, Igakushoin, Tokyo, 2002.
- Akabayashi, A. eds. An Introduction to Biomedical Ethics 1, Keisoshobo, Tokyo, 2005.
- Akabayashi, A. eds. An Introduction to Biomedical Ethics 2, Keisoshobo, Tokyo, 2005.
- Akabayashi, A., Kurata, N., Kodama, S. Japanese translation of ‘Clinical Ethics’ by Jonsen, A., Siegler, M., Winslade, W. 5th edition, Shinko-igaku, Tokyo, 2006.
- Kodama, S., Akabayashi, A. Japanese translation of ‘A Very Short Introduction: Medical Ethics’ by Hope T. Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 2007.
- Takimoto, Y., Abe, A. Akabayashi, A. eds. A Casebook of Patient Consultation, Igakushoin, Tokyo, 2010.
- Akabayashi, A. eds. An Introduction to Biomedical Ethics 3, Keisoshobo, Tokyo, 2015.
- Yamamoto, K., Nakazawa, E., Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Japanese translation of ‘Bioethics: The Basics’ by Alastair V. Campbell. Keisoshobo, Tokyo, 2016.
- Akabayashi, A., Kodama, S. eds. An Introduction to Ethics, Keisoshobo, Tokyo, 2018.
Original articles in Japanese with English abstracts
- Akabayashi, A., Ohi, G. An introductory report on the ‘Clinical Ethics’ movement in the US and its implication to Japan. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 5:55-59, 1995.
- Nishimura, T., Miyasaka, M., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I., Ohi, G. The development of evaluation method for bioethics education in Japan – a questionnaire for measuring the ethical problem identification ability. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 5:73-77, 1995.
- Akabayashi, A., Kai, I., Itoh, K., Tsukui, K. The acceptability of advance directives in Japanese society. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 7:31-40, 1997.
- Fukatsu, N., Akabayashi, A., Kai, I. The current status of ethics committees and decision making procedures in general hospitals in Japan. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 7:130-136, 1997.
- Akabayashi, A., Kai, I. Study of 5th-year medical student interest in medical ethics and related factors. Medical Education 30:221-226, 1999.
- Akabayashi, A., Miyasaka, M., Kai, I., Ohi, G. Survey of Medical Ethics education in Japanese medical schools. Medical Education 30:47-53, 1999.
- Watanabe, Y., Akabayashi, A., Ikeda, T., et al. An analysis of CPR decision making by middle aged and elderly healthy population in Japan. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 10:111-119, 2000.
- Watanabe, Y., Kai, I., Akabayashi, A. Attitude of general public toward genetic testing for colon cancer. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 11:32-40, 2001.
- Akizuki, Y., Kai, I., Akabayashi, A. Attitude of general public toward artificial insenmination by donor. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 11:62-70, 2001.
- Shoji, S., Ohbayashi, M., Morisita, N., Shirahama, M., Akabayashi, A. The medical ethics education curriculum propose in the undergraduate medical education: Japan Society for Medical Education Working Group of Education of Medical Ethics. Medical Education 32:3-6, 2001.
- Akabayashi, A., Kai, I. Kuboki, T. et al. Patients’ access to medical record. Jpn J Psychosom Med 41:517-527, 2001.
- Matsushima, T., Akabayashi, A., Nishitateno, K. Bereavement care in hospice/palliative care seetings: A suvey of the family members o deceased about bereavement care and future prospects. Jpn J Psychosom Med 41:429-437, 2001.
- Shoji, S., Ohbayashi, M., Morisita, N., Akabayashi, A., Shirahama, M.. The medical ethics education manual in the undergraduate medical education: Japan Society for Medical Education Working Group of Education of Medical Ethics. Medical Education 33:113-119, 2002.
- Inaba, K., Akabayashi, A. The effect of interaction of ethics and law on the protection of privacy in epidemiologic research. Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 12:23-33, 2002.
- Akabayashi, A. The function and social responsibility of institutional ethics committees: The case of living related pancreas islet transplantation. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 15:100-106, 2004.
- Nagao, N., Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. A survey on the current state of hospital ethics consultation in Japan. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 16:101-106, 2005.
- Shoji, S., Akabayashi, A., Ohbayashi, M., Morisita, N., Shirahama, M.. Report of the first workshop for leaders of medical ethics education in post-graduate clinical training. Japan Society for Medical Education Committee of Ethics education. Medical Education 37:9-15, 2006.
- Nukaga, Y., Kaneichi, H., Akabayashi, A. Historical development of bioethics policy in Japan – consensus-building of bioethics commissions. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics 17:65-73, 2007.
- Matsui, K., Kanagawa, R., Kodama, S., Akabayashi, A. Current and future public health ethics education in Japan. Medical Education 40:117-122, 2009.
- Oikawa, M., Nakazawa, E., Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Biobanks and public involvement activities: a literature review on the concept of “involvement” in the area of biomedical research. Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences (in press)
- Yoshida, T., Yamamoto, K., Nakazawa, E., Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. The current situation of paired kidney exchange in the World and its future perspectives in Japan: Through a systematic review of literatures Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics (in press).
- Miwa, E., Nakazawa, E., Yamamoto, K., Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Output Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Systematic Review. Journal of Japan Association for Bioethics (in press).
Publication List (English) - (Neuroscience/Clinical Psychiatry/Clinical Psychology)
**Only publications in English are listed.
Original Articles**
- Akabayashi, A., Kato, T. One-step and two-step fluoro-metric assay methods for general aminotransferases using glutamate dehydrogenase. Analytical Biochemistry 182: 129-135, 1989.
- Akabayashi, A., Saito, T., Kato, T. An enzymatic microassay method for deoxyglucose and deoxyglucose 6-phosphate. Biomedical Research 10: 173-177, 1989.
- Akabayashi, A., Kato, T. An enzymatic microdetermination method for hydroxylase cofactor. Analytical Letters 24: 1967-1981, 1991.
- Akabayashi, A. and Kato, T. Microdetermination of 2-deoxyglucose and 2-deoxyglucose 6-phosphate to determine glucose utilization rates in single neurons and small CNS regions after injecting nontracer amounts of 2-deoxyglucose. J. Neurochemistry 59: 888-896, 1992.
- Nomura, S., Akabayashi, A., Kuboki, T., Suematsu, H., Yokoyama, K., Araki, S. Development, validation and application of a new questionnaire (stress checklist: SCL-86) for stress management in occupational health. In Behavioral Medicine: An Integrated Behavioral Approach to Health and Illness (S. Araki, ed. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.), pp. 195-203, 1992.
- Akabayashi, A., Zaia, CTBV., Silva, I., Chae, H.J., Leibowitz, S.F. Neuropeptide Y in the arcuate nucleus is modulated by alterations in glucose utilization. Brain Res. 621: 343-348, 1993.
- Akabayashi, A., Kato, T. Glucose utilization rates in single neurons and neuropil determined by injecting nontracer amounts of 2-deoxyglucose. J. Neurochemistry 60: 931-935, 1993.
- Kuboki, T., Nomura, S., Wada, M., Akabayashi, A., Nagataki, M., Suematsu, H., Yokoyama, K., Araki, S. Multidimensional approach to occupational mental health; combined application of three questionnaires: University of Tokyo Egogram (TEG), Profile of Mood States (POMS), and Time Structuring Scale (TSS). Environmental Research 61: 285-298, 1993.
- Akabayashi, A., Koenig, J.I., Watanabe, Y., Alexander, J.T., Leibowitz, S.F. Galanin-containing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus: A neurochemical marker for fat ingestion and body weight gain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 91: 10375-10379, 1994.
- Akabayashi, A., Zaia, CTBV., Gabriel, S.M., Silva, I., Cheung, W.K., Leibowitz, S.F. Intra-cerebroventricular injection of dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3,5-monophosphate increases hypothalamic levels of neuropeptide Y. Brain Res. 660: 323-328, 1994.
- Akabayashi, A., Watanabe, Y., Wahlestedt, C., McEwen, B.S., Paez, X., Leibowitz, S.F. Hypothalamic neuropeptide Y, its gene expression and receptor activity: Relation to circulating corticosterone in adrenalectomized rats. Brain Res. 665: 201-212, 1994.
- Akabayashi, A., Wahlestedt, C., Alexander, J.T., Leibowitz, S.F. Specific inhibition of endogenous neuropeptide Y synthesis in arcuate nucleus by antisense oligonucleotides suppresses feeding behavior and insulin secretion. Mol. Brain Res. 21:55-61, 1994.
- Akabayashi, A., Watanabe, Y., Gabriel, S.M., Chae, H.J., Leibowitz, S.F. Hypothalamic galanin-like immunoreactivity and its gene expression in relation to circulating corticosterone. Mol. Brain Res. 25: 305-312, 1994.
- Akabayashi, A., Levin, N., Paez, X., Alexander, J.T., Leibowitz, S.F. Hypothalamic neuropeptide Y and its gene expression: relation to light/dark cycle and circulating corticosterone. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 5: 210-218, 1994.
- Akabayashi, A., Zaia, CTBV., Koenig, J.I., Gabriel, S.M., Silva, I., Leibowitz, S.F. Diurnal rhythm of galanin-like immunoreactivity in the paraventricular and suprachiasmatic nuclei and other hypothalamic areas. Peptide. 15: 1437-1444, 1994.
- Watanabe, Y., Akabayashi, A., McEwen, B.M. Adrenal steroid regulation of neuropeptide Y (NPY) mRNA: differences between dendate hilus and locus coeruleus and arcuate nucleus. Mol. Brain Res.. 28: 135-140, 1995.
- Tang, C., Akabayashi, A., Manitiu, A., Leibowitz, S.F. Hypothalamic galanin gene expression and peptide Levels in relation to circulating insulin: possible role in energy balance. Neuroendocrinology 65: 265-275, 1997.
- Leibowitz, S.F., Akabayashi, A., Wang, J. Obesity on a high-fat diet: Role of hypothalamic galanin in neurons of the anterior paraventricular nucleus projecting to the median eminence. J. Neuroscience 18: 2709-2719, 1998.
- Leibowitz, S.F., Akabayashi, A., Alexander, J., Wang, J. Gonadal steroid and hypothalamic galanin and neuropeptide Y: Role in eating behavior and body weight control in female rats. Endocrinology 139: 1771-1780, 1998.
- Wang, J., Akabayashi, A., Yu, H. J., Dourmashkin J., Alexander, J., Silva, I., Lighter, J., Leibowitz, S.F. Hypothalamic galanin: control by signals of fat metabolism. Brain Res. 804: 7-20, 1998.
- Wang, J., Akabayashi, A., Dourmashkin J., Yu, H. J., Alexander, J., Chae, H.J., Leibowitz, S.F. Neuropeptide Y in relation to carbohydrate intake, corticosterone and dietary obesity. Brain Res. 802: 75-88, 1998.
- Yokoyama, K., Araki, S., Akabayashi, A., Kato, T., Sakai, T., Sato, H. Decrease of glucose utilization rate in the spinal cord of experimental 2,5-hexanedione poisoning rats: Application of microdetermination technique. Industrial Health 38: 189-194, 2000.
- Yokoyama, K., Araki, S., Akabayashi, A., Kato, T., Sakai, T., Sato, H. Alteration of glucose metabolism in the spinal cord of experimental lead poisoning rats: Microdetermination of glucose utilization rate and distribution volume. Industrial Health 38: 221-223, 2000.
- Leibowitz, S.F., Sepiashvili, K., Akabayashi, A., Karatayev, O., Davydova, Z., Alexander, J., Wang, J., Chang, G. Function of neuropeptide Y and agouti-related protein at weaning: relation to corticosterone, dietary carbohydrate and body weight. Brain Res. 1036: 180-191, 2005.
- Lee, J.S., Kawakubo K., Inoue, S., Akabayashi, A. Effect of b-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphism on body weight change in middle-aged, overweight women. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 11(2):69-74, 2006.
- Moriya, J., Takimoto, Y., Yoshiuchi, K., Shimosawa, T., Akabayashi, A. Plasma agouti-related protein levels in women with anorexia nervosa.
Psychoneuroendocrinology 31, 1057-61, 2006. - Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Park, C.M., Akabayashi, A. Rapidly increasing prevalence of obesity and their confident determinants in Korea. Korean J Health Educ Promot 23: 1-11, 2006
- Kikuchi, H., Yoshiuchi, K., Miyasaka, N., Ohashi, K., Yamamoto, Y., Kumano, H., Kuboki, T., Akabayashi, A. Reliability of recalled self-report on headache intensity: investigation using ecological momentary assessment technique.
Cephalalgia 26 (11): 1335-43, 2006 - Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Kohri, S., Tsujii, H., Mori, K., Akabayashi, A. Association between residents’ perception of the neighborhood’s environments and walking time in objectively different regions. Environ Health Prev Med 12: 1–8, 2007
- Nakade, M., Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Amano, Y., Mori, K., Akabayashi, A. Correlation between food intake change pateterns and body weight loss in middle-aged women in Japan. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice 1: 79-89, 2007
- Amano, Y., Sugiyama, M., Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Mori, K., Tang, A.C., Akabayashi, A. Glycemic index-based nutrition education improves blood glucose control in Japanese adults: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care Jul;30(7):1874-6, 2007
- Kikuchi, H., Yoshiuchi, K., Ohashi, K., Yamamoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Tension-type headache and physical activity: an actigraphic study. Cephalalgia Nov;27(11):1236-43, 2007.
- Leibowitz, S.F., Akabayashi, A., Wang, J., Alexander, J.T., Dourmashkin, J.T., Chang, G.Q. Increased caloric intake on a fat-rich diet: role of ovarian steroids and galanin in the medial preoptic and paraventricular nuclei and anterior pituitary of female rats. J Neuroendocrinol Oct;19(10):753-66, 2007
- Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Mori, K., Akabayashi, A. Effective cut-off values of waist circumference to detect the clustering of cardiovascular risk factors of metabolic syndrome in Japanese men and women.. Diab Vasc Dis Res. Dec;4(4):340-5, 2007.
- Ishizawa, T., Yoshiuchi, K., Takimoto, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Heart rate and blood pressure variability and baroreflex sensitivity in patients with anorexia nervosa. Psychosom Med. Jul;70(6):695-700, 2008.
- Otani, M., Takimoto, Y., Moriya, J., Yoshiuchi, K., Akabayashi, A. Plasma intact fibroblast growth factor 23 levels in women with anorexia nervosa. Biopsychosoc Med. Apr 16;2:10, 2008.
- Takimoto, Y., Yoshiuchi, K., Akabayashi, A. Effect of mood states on QT interval and QT dispersion in eating disorder patients. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. Apr;62(2):185-9, 2008.
- Kayano, M., Yoshiuchi, K., Al-Adawi, S., Viernes, N., Dorvlo, A.S., Kumano, H., Kuboki, T., Akabayashi, A. Eating attitudes and body dissatisfaction in adolescents: Cross-cultural study. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. Feb;62(1):17-25, 2008.
- Sakamoto, N., Yoshiuchi, K., Kikuchi, H., Takimoto, Y., Kaiya, H., Kumano, H., Yamamoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Panic disorder and locomotor activity. Biopsychosoc Med. Nov 18;2:23, 2008.
- Fukuo, W., Yoshiuchi, K., Takimoto, Y., Sakamoto, N., Kikuchi, H., Hachizuka, M., Inada, S., Nannya, Y., Kumano, K., Takahashi, T., Kurokawa, M., Akabayashi, A. Comparison of temporal changes in psychological distress after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation among the underlying diseases of Japanese adult patients. Biopsychosoc Med. Nov 21;2:24, 2008.
- Kondo, K., Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Kataoka, Y., Asami, Y., Mori, K., Umezaki, M., Yamauchi, T., Takagi, H., Sunagawa, H., Akabayashi, A. Association between daily physical activity and neiborhood environments. Environ Health Prev Med 14: 196-206, 2009.
- Nakade, M., Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Kondo, K., Mori, K. and Akabayashi, A. Changes in food intake patterns associated with body weight loss during a 12-week health promotion program and a 9-month follow-up period in a Japanese population. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice 3: 85-98, 2009
- Leibowitz, S.F., Akabayashi, A., Alexander, J., Karatayev, O., Chang, G.Q. Puberty onset in female rats: relationship with fat intake, ovarian steroids and the peptides, galanin and enkephalin, in the paraventricular and medial preoptic nuclei. J Neuroendocrinol. Jun;21(6):538-49, 2009.
- Fukuo, W., Yoshiuchi, K., Ohashi, K., Togashi, H., Sekine, R., Kikuchi, H., Sakamoto, N., Inada, S., Sato, F., Kadowaki, T., Akabayashi, A. Development of a hand-held personal digital assistant-based food diary with food photographs for Japanese subjects. J Am Diet Assoc. Jul;109(7):1232-6, 2009.
- Kondo, K., Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Kataoka, Y., Asami, Y., Mori, K., Umezaki, M., Yamauchi, T., Takagi, H., Sunagawa, H., Akabayashi, A. Association between daily physical activity and neighborhood environments. Environ Health Prev Med. May;14(3):196-206, 2009.
- Kashihara, H., Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Tamura, M., Akabayashi, A. Criteria of Waist Circumference According to Computed Tomography-Measured Visceral Fat Area and the Clustering of Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Circ J. 73 (10): 1881-1886, 2009.
- Yoshiuchi, K., Takimoto, Y., Moriya, .J, Inada, S., Akabayashi, A. Thrombopoietin and thrombocytopenia in anorexia nervosa with severe liver dysfunction. Int J Eat Disord. 2009 Oct 6.
- Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Mori, K,, Akabayashi. A. BMI Specific Waist Circumference for Detecting Clusters of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Japanese Population. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2010 Jan 7.
- Hachizuka, M., Yoshiuchi, K., Yamamoto, Y., Iwase, S., Nakagawa, K., Kawagoe, K., Akabayashi, A. Development of a personal digital assistant (PDA) system to collect symptom information from home hospice patients. J Palliat Med. 13(6):647-51, 2010.
- Otani, M., Takimoto, Y., Moriya, J., Yoshiuchi, K., Akabayashi, A. Plasma intact fibroblast growth factor 23 levels in women with bulimia nervosa: A cross-sectional pilot study. Biopsychosoc Med. Jun 17;5:7, 2011. doi: 10.1186/1751-0759-5-7.
- Kikuchi, H., Yoshiuchi, K., Yamamoto, Y., Komaki, G., Akabayashi, A. Diurnal variation of tension-type headache intensity and exacerbation: An investigation using computerized ecological momentary assessment. Biopsychosoc Med. 2012 Sep 4; 6 (1): 18. doi: 10.1186/1751-0759-6-18.
- Chen, T.A., Lee, J.S., Kawakubo, K., Watanabe, E., Mori, K., Kitaike, T., Akabayashi, A. Features of perceived neighborhood environment associated with daily walking time or habitual exercise: differences across gender, age, and employment status in a community-dwelling population of Japan. Environ Health Prev Med. 18 (5): 368-76, 2013.
- Takimoto, Y., Yoshiuchi, K., Shimodaira, S., Akabayashi, A. Diamine oxidase activity levels in anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord. 47 (2): 203-5, 2014.
- Shibayama, O., Yoshiuchi, K., Inagaki, M., Matsuoka, Y., Yoshikawa, E., Sugawara, Y., Akechi, T., Wada, N., Imoto, S., Murakami, K., Ogawa, A., Akabayashi, A., Uchitomi, Y. Association between adjuvant regional radiotherapy and cognitive function in breast cancer patients treated with conservation therapy. Cancer Med. 3 (3): 702-9, 2014.
- Takimoto, Y., Yoshiuchi, K., Ishizawa, T., Yamamoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Autonomic dysfunction responses to head-up tilt in anorexia nervosa. Clin Auton Res. 24 (4): 175-81, 2014.
- Inada, S., Yoshiuchi, K., Iizuka, Y., Ohashi, K., Kikuchi, H., Yamamoto, Y., Kadowaki, T., Akabayashi, A. Pilot study for the development of a self-care system for type 2 diabetes patients using a personal digital assistant (PDA). International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 23 (3):295-9, 2016.
Books and Chapters
- Leibowitz, S.F., Akabayashi, A. Brain peptides in normal biological rhythms and obesity. In Molecular and genetic Aspects of Obesity, Bray G. and Ryan D.H. ed., Pennington Center Nutrition Series, Louisiana State University Press, vol. 5, pp.233-262, 1997.
- Yoshiuchi, K., Yamamoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. Application of ecological momentary assessment in stress-related diseases. Biopsychosoc Med. 11;2:13, 2008.
- Kikuchi, H., Yoshiuchi, K., Ohashi, K., Sato, F., Takimoto, Y., Akabayashi, A. and Yamamoto, Y. Food intake and heart rate variability: toward a momentary biopsychosocial understanding of eating behavior. In: Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition, Preedy, V.R., Watson, R. R., and C. R. Martin, eds. Springer, London, pp. 845-863, 2011.
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