Biomedical Research Integrity Series
The Biomedical Research Integrity (BRI) Program offers trainees and researchers the chance to reflect on the everyday judgments that occur during the course of a research career. Our program provides an opportunity to explore important questions of ethics and research conduct, to discuss issues with peers and faculty, and to identify skills and resources to help address difficult questions related to research integrity.
The program assumes that the responsible conduct of research requires more than rules and regulations. Choices within research practice are often subtle and require interpretation and judgment. Developing these skills and sensibilities requires something of you - it asks you to test your instincts and to identify your strengths and potential vulnerabilities. As part of your larger professional development experience, the BRI program aims to work with you to develop integrity from the inside out, as the foundation for a lifetime endeavor.
The Public Health Service (PHS) and its research institutions (NIH, NSF, etc.) require that all grant-supported pre-and post-doctoral researchers receive training in the responsible conduct of research. The School of Medicine has developed a program of lectures with associated discussion groups for its researchers and trainees to meet this requirement.
Upon program completion, BRI participants will be able to:
- Recognize ethical issues and challenges to integrity that arise in the course of routine research practice;
- Formulate a justified response to research challenges, using select ethical decision-making tools; and
- Identify a sense of professional responsibility to take action and make good judgments that work to support good research practices.