BRI: Frequently Asked Questions



What is BRI?


The Public Health Service (PHS) and its research institutions require that all pre-and post-doctoral researchers supported by PHS training grants receive training in the responsible conduct of research. For this reason, the School of Medicine offers the Biomedical Research Integrity (BRI) Program to meet the training requirements. The BRI Program uses a series of public lectures and three associated summer discussion groups, to address the following required RCR topics:

  • Conflict of interest
  • Data acquisition and ownership
  • Peer review
  • Responsible authorship
  • Research misconduct
  • Mentor and trainee relationships

Note: Each BRI lecturer is asked to incorporate explicit reference to researcher/trainee responsibilities and/or collaborative science, so that all seven required topics are covered on an annual basis.


When is BRI offered?


Annually, July through September. 


How do I register? 


Registration opens June 15


Do I need to register? 


  • Yes. 


Which lectures and discussion groups must I attend?


You and your PI decide based on your award type, see the Update on the Requirement for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research (2022). We offer nine hours of training - six lectures and three discussion groups - annually. 


Can I get credit for watching a video recording of lectures?




Where is my attendance get recorded?


  • BRI maintain attendance records in REDCap,  UW MyResearch Portal, and Hutch Learning.


How do I get a record of my past attendance? 


Attendance in 2020+: Email and UW MyResearch or Fred Hutch Learning

Attendance prior to 2020: BRI Attendance Archive.


How do I keep updated on BRI activities? 


Subscribe to the BRI listserv for announcements re: BRI lectures/events or other lectures, events of relevant interest. To subscribe or unsubscribe visit: