MICCAI Workshop

Image Analysis for the Developing Brain

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Organized in conjunction with


Understanding how the normal structural and functional patterns of the human brain are formed is a critical field of research covering many areas from basic neuroscience to clinical neuroradiology. Recent advances in clinical imaging techniques have begun to allow us to study very early brain growth in vivo and in utero. These new types of image data of developing tissues pose new challenges to image analysis methodology, and motivate the development of new algorithms and computational techniques which can be of use in a wider range of medical imaging problems. This workshop will aim to explore work being carried out in this new emerging field. It will gather together research on both imaging and image analysis techniques related to studying the growth of the brain from early clinical fetal imaging using ultrasound and MRI, to imaging studies of neonates, children and adolescents. It will include research focused toward clinical imaging as well as basic neuroscience studies. We want to cover the specific challenges to image analysis in the changing brain, and aim to include work from imaging and motion correction, through image analysis of developing tissues, to statistical techniques for spatio-temporal data. We invite the submission of papers that both explore new image analysis methodology and that examine the adaptation and validation of current techniques to the problem of studying brain growth.

Final program

9:00 Welcome and introduction
9:10 Joseph Hajnal, "Towards a comprehensive 3D MR imaging exam of the fetal brain in utero" (keynote presentation)
9:50 Jessica Dubois, "Diffusion tensor imaging in the infant brain: from technical problems to neuroscientific breakthroughs" (keynote presentation)
10:30 Coffee break
10:50 Guido Gerig, "Growth trajectory of the early developing brain derived from longitudinal MRI/DTI data" (keynote presentation)
11:30 Estanislao Oubel, Francois Rousseau, Vincent Noblet, Myriam Koob, Jean-Paul Armspach and Jean-Louis Dietemann, "Evaluation of different strategies for distortion correction in fetal diffusion-weighted imaging" (poster teaser)
11:40 Kio Kim, Piotr Habas, Francois Rousseau, Orit Glenn, Anthony Barkovich and Colin Studholme, "Structural MRI constrained motion and distortion correction of fetal brain diffusion imaging" (poster teaser)
11:50 Meritxell Bach, Marie Schaer, Anouk Andre, Laurent Guibaud, Stephan Eliez and Jean-Philippe Thiran, "Brain tissue segmentation of fetal MR" (poster teaser)
12:00 Georg Langs, Gregor Kasprian, Peter Brugger and Daniela Prayer, "Quantitative morphometry of fetal cortical hemispheres and their asymmetry" (poster teaser)
12:10 Jingxin Nie, Lei Guo and Tianming Liu, "GPU-based implementation of a computational model of cerebral cortex folding" (poster teaser)
12:20 Faguo Yang and Zuyao Shan, "Developmental shape changes of post-central gyrus on MR images of children" (poster teaser)
12:30 Lunch and poster viewing
14:00 Ali Gholipour and Simon Warfield, "Super-resolution reconstruction of fetal brain MRI" (oral presentation)
14:20 Olivier Commowick, Neil Weisenfeld, Heidelise Als, Gloria McAnulty, Samantha Butler, Lindsay Lightbody, Richard Robertson and Simon Warfield, "Evaluation of white matter in preterm infants with fetal growth restriction" (oral presentation)
14:40 Junki Lee, Yasser Ad-Dab'bagh, Vladimir Fonov, Alan C. Evans and The Brain Development Cooperative Group, "Longitudinal growth analysis of early childhood brain using deformation based morphometry" (oral presentation)
15:00 Maria Murgasova, Valentina Doria, Latha Srinivasan, Paul Aljabar, David Edwards and Daniel Rueckert, "A spatio-temporaral atlas of the growing brain for fMRI studies" (oral presentation)
15:20 Vladimir Fonov, Ilana Leppert, G. Bruce Pike and D. Louis Collins, "Voxel-wise T2 relaxometry of normal pediatric brain development in 326 healthy infants and toddlers" (oral presentation)
15:40 Coffee break
16:00 Panel discussion: summary and future areas of interest


Colin Studholme (University of California San Francisco)
Francois Rousseau (University of Strasbourg)

Program committee

James Barkovich (University of California San Francisco)
Valerie Cardenas (University of California San Francisco)
Alan Colchester (University of Kent)
Louis Collins (McGill University)
Guido Gerig (University of Utah)
John Gilmore (University of North Carolina)
Orit Glenn (University of California San Francisco)
Piotr Habas (University of California San Francisco)
Joseph Hajnal (Imperial College London)
Christian Heinrich (University of Strasbourg)
Kio Kim (University of California San Francisco)
Michel Kocher (University of Applied Sciences)
Gabriele Lohmann (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences)
Jean-Francois Mangin (Frederic Joliot Hospital Service)
John Sled (University of Toronto)
Simon Warfield (Harvard Medical School)
Neil Weisenfeld (Harvard Medical School)
