The Research Team


Picture of Margaret Levi
  • Prof. Margaret Levi
  • Website
  • Margaret Levi is the Jere L. Bacharach Professor of International Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Washington; and Chair in Politics, United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney

Graduate Researchers

Picture of Anne Greenleaf
  • Anne Greenleaf
  • Website
  • Anne is a doctoral student in the Political Science Department who studies comparative politics with a focus on China and socio-legal issues.
Picture of Milli Lake
  • Milli Lake
  • Website
  • Milli is also a doctoral student in the Political Science Department who studies comparative politics with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and socio-legal issues.

We have also had the pleasure of working with several undergraduate students at the University of Washington: Chelsey Sobel, Christina Corrales-Toy, Kasmira Hall, Katie Bass, Kyle Dennison, Pamela Santiago, Mackenzie Powell, Monica Copsey, Rachel Pendergast, Ryan Jones, and Sean Rail. University of Washington Labor Archivist Conor Casey has also been key in establishing best practices for digital data collection. We are also grateful for the feedback and advice of our fellow graduate students and other faculty members who are too numerous to be listed here. Many thanks to all who been involved!
