2007 National Conference


Family Organizations

General | Health | Time | Economic Mobility | Family

The Project on Global Working Families
The Project on Global Working Families studies and documents the experiences of working families in North America, Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia. It focuses on how the globalization of the economy affects parental working conditions and social supports, their impact on children’s health and development, and the public and private policy solutions available.

Moms Rising
MomsRising is a grassroots, online campaign to mobilize mothers across the United States as a cohesive force for change in the 2008 presidential elections and beyond. The core issues at the base of the organization’s movement are taken directly from the book/DVD, The Motherhood Manifesto. They are: Maternity/Paternity leave, Open Flexible Work, TV We Choose and Other After School Programs, Healthcare for All Kids, Excellent Child Care, Realistic and Fair Wages, and Sick Leave.

A Better Balance: The Work and Family Legal Center
This organization was founded by a group of lawyers who have successfully worked together on a variety of women’s rights and economic issues and now seek to forge a comprehensive multi-strategic approach to addressing the work-family dilemma.  Their goal is to transform the American workplace and raise awareness of the importance of care giving in public policy decisions.  They have extensive experience building coalitions, advocating for change, litigating impact cases, developing new legislation and educating employers, labor unions and the public on economic justice issues important to women. 

The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) is a national nonprofit that works to improve the lives of low-income people. CLASP’s mission is to improve the economic security, educational and workforce prospects, and family stability of low-income parents, children, and youth and to secure equal justice for all. To carry out this mission, CLASP conducts cutting-edge research, provides insightful policy analysis, advocates at the federal and state levels, and offers information and technical assistance on a range of family policy and equal justice issues for our audience of federal, state, and local policymakers; advocates; researchers; and the media.

Work-Life Law
The Center for Work-Life Law (WLL) is a research and advocacy center that seeks to eliminate employment discrimination against mothers and other family caregivers such as adult children of aging parents. WLL is based at UC Hastings College of the Law and is directed by professor and author Joan C. Williams. It is supported by research and program development grants, university funding, and private donations. WLL studies and tracks family responsibilities and discrimination litigation. The goal of Work-Life Law is to prevent discrimination from occurring in the first place, however, thereby alleviating the need for employees to resort to the courts for protection and allowing businesses to be more productive.

The Families and Work Institute
The Families and Work Institute is a nonprofit center dedicated to providing research for living in today’s changing workplaces, changing families and changing communities. The Families and Work Institute’s research takes on emerging issues before they crest and includes some of the most comprehensive research on the U.S. workforce available. The Institute’s work has helped inform a number of policy debates, fostering more effective, and data-driven solutions.