Public Health Café

Have a Drink. Listen. Think. Discuss.

Our Next Public Health Café is:

Childhood Asthma: Is it linked to the Environment?
Tuesday, May 12th, 2015, 7:00 to 8:30 pm
West Seattle Chaco Canyon Café
3770 SW Alaska St.

Dr. Catherine Karr, Pediatrician, UW research scientist, and Director of the Northwest Pediatric Environmental Health Speciality Unit (PEHSU)

This event, like all our Public Health Cafés, is FREE and open to the general public. No RSVP is required. Download the flyer here.

What Is the Public Health Café?

PH Cafe LogoPublic Health Café is a series of informal, interactive conversations intended to raise awareness about the fascinating and often overlooked science of public health. Join us at Chaco Canyon Organic Café in West Seattle, have a latte or a glass of wine or beer, and hear an expert discuss an emerging issue in public health. Then enjoy a lively, guided discussion or activity with the people at your table. Come alone or bring a group. No expertise or preparation required, just a desire to listen, learn, and discuss the topic served up for your intellectual enjoyment. Our goal is that you leave more curious about the topic and fired up about the work that public health has done, is doing, and will do in the future.

PH Cafe Photo


Why does public health matter?

In some ways, public health is a victim of its own success. Effective public health tends to be invisible – which makes it easy to undervalue. So many strides have been made in the past hundred years. Water supplies are clean and safe, food-borne illness is uncommon, diseases like measles and flu can be prevented through vaccination, and local and federal agencies work to keep the places we live, work and play clean and safe. But the work of public health is far from done! In addition to continuing the work described, emerging threats require new tools and new skills. Global climate change presents new challenges around higher and lower temperatures, drought, rising water levels, and changing geographical distribution of disease. The obesity epidemic requires a public health response to build healthier cities, promote exercise, unravel the genetic components of obesity, and rethink our food production and distribution systems. Nano-materials and other promising new technologies challenge us to find new ways to identify and manage risk, allowing businesses to thrive while keeping people safe and protected. We need public health now more than ever!

Join the Conversation

Please contact Marilyn Hair (, 206-685-8244) if you would like to learn more about the Public Health Café or would like to be added to our email list.

You can also follow us on Twitter - @phcafe and on Facebook at Public Health Cafe.

Past PH Café Sessions