Join the CEEH

About CEEH Membership

The CEEH currently has 81 affiliated members (see the Member Directory for a complete list of current members). Each member is classifed either as an EHS Core Center Investigator or a Clinicial and Translational Science (CTS) Investigator. Our membership is dynamic and we welcome new faculty with research interests relevant to any of the Center's six Areas of Research Emphasis (ARE):

  • Genomics of Xenobiotic Disposition
  • Environmental Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis
  • Susceptible Populations
  • Neurotoxicology and Neurodegenerative Disease
  • Cardiovascular Toxicology
  • Exposure Sciences

The benefits of being a CEEH member include:

  • Access to the three state-of-the-art CEEH Facility Cores;
  • Acess to consultations and services from the Community Outreach and Ethics Core;
  • Opportunities for mutlidisciplinary collaborations with other CEEH members;
  • Opportunities for mentorship and career development for young investigators.

To qualify for CEEH membership as an EHS Core Investigator you must be a UW faculty member who in the past five years has been PI on an NIEHS-funded grant (including Projects or Cores of NIEHS Program grants), and/or who was senior author on at least one EHS-focused original research article in a major journal (top tier journals, and / or major EHS journals such as Environmental Health Perspectives, Environmental Research, or Toxicological Sciences).

To qualify for CEEH membership as a CTS Investigator you must be a UW faculty member who has research interests that are relevant to one or more of the CEEH AREs, has active NIH grant support, a strong interest in participating in CEEH activities, and is working principally in an area of clinical or translational research, but who doesn't yet meet the criteria for Core EHS Investigator.

For more information about becoming a CEEH member, please contact our Admistrator, Liz Guzy (, 206-685-5333).