See also:
Atman, C. J. (2015). Does the globe get a say? Research & teaching insights on designing in context. Invited keynote, 7th Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD15). Vancouver, BC.
Atman, C. J. (2013). Making sense of engineering design: Seeing, hearing and learning. Invited Distinguished Speaker, 2013 Gochenour Lecture, West Virginia University. Morgantown, WV.
Atman, C. J. (2013). Seeing and hearing design: Design representations as teaching tools. Invited Featured Speaker, 2013 Pacific Northwest ASEE Conference, Des Moines, WA, March 8, 2013.
Atman, C. J. (2012). Possible future of engineering education; Context, perspective, and possibilities. Invited participant in strategic direction meeting: NSF’s Division of Engineering Education and Centers (EEC): A Disruptive Future for Engineering Education.
Atman, C. J. (2012). Studying engineering student design processes: Two views of context. Invited speaker at the Engineering Education Graduate Research Seminar via Webcast. Involving Purdue University, Utah State University, Virginia Tech, and Colorado State University.
Atman, C. J. (2012). The engineers in your math class: What are they thinking? Invited Keynote Speaker at the 15th Annual Conference on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME). Portland, OR.
Atman, C. J. and Turns, J. (2010). Enabling engineering student success. Using research to inform engineering education decisions. National Science Foundation Distinguished Lecture. Washington, DC.
Atman, C. J. (2010). Educating the well-rounded engineer. A view into the U.S. system. Invited keynote speaker, Joint International IGIP-SEFI Annual Conference 2010. Trnava, Slovakia.
Turns, J. (October 2009). I thought this was going to be a waste of time: Using portfolio construction to support reflection on project-based experiences. Invited presentation given in graduate student seminar, Virginia Tech. Blacksburg, Virginia.
Turns, J. (November 2009). I thought this was going to be a waste of time: Using portfolio construction to support reflection on project-based experiences. Invited presentation given in graduate student seminar, Purdue University. West Lafayette, Indiana.
Atman, C. J., (2009). Developing design-related teaching goals. National Academy of Engineering’s first Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) Symposium. Herndon, VA.
Atman, C. J. (2009). Educating the well-rounded engineer. Insights from the academic pathways study. Invited keynote speaker, FIE Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX.
Atman, C. J. (2009). Pathways study of engineering undergraduates: A comparison of women and men. Invited keynote speaker, WEPAN Annual Conference. Austin, TX.
Atman, C. J. (2009). Creating engineering education opportunities: Campus-Based centers. Invited presentation at the National Symposium on Creating Engineering Education Opportunities: Why and How. Arlington, VA.
Atman, C. J. (2008). Thinking design, doing design . . . and becoming designers. Invited keynote speaker, ASEE Pacific Northwest Regional Conference, Seattle, WA.
Borgford-Parnell, J. (2008). Creating effective small group learning. University of Washington Teaching Academy. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Borgford-Parnell, J. (2008). From research to practice and back again: A model for change. Facilitating Change in Undergraduate STEM: An Invitational Symposium Integrating Multiple Perspectives, Poster presentation. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI.
Atman, C. J., Finelli, C., Fortenberry, N., & Haghighi, K. (2008). Engineering education centers & departments as drivers of change workshop. American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Invited panelist. Pittsburgh, PA.
Atman, C. J. “CAREER Awards with a Focus on Engineering Education Research,” Invited panelist, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2008.
Atman, C. J. “Undergraduate Pathways to Engineering: Insights from a Longitudinal Study,” Invited speaker, Pullman, Wa, Engineering Education Research Center, April 2008.
Kilgore, D., Atman, C. J., Kang, A., & Deibel, K. “Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Information Gathering Behaviors During Design,” Center for the Integration of Science Education & Research (CISER) Conference: On Being an Engineer, Paper presentation, Lubbock, TX, Texas Tech University, Feruary 2008.
Atman, C. J. and Jim Borgford-Parnell. “Learning Science Research Applied to Engineering,” INFORMS 2007 Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium, Invited workshop, Seattle, Washington, November 2007.
Borgford-Parnell, J. “Creating Effective Learning Groups and Teams,” University of Washington Provost Workshop, Seattle, Washington, University of Washington, October 2007.
Invited keynote speaker, NAE/CASEE Dane and Mary Louise Miller Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, October 9, 2007, “Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education: An Overview of Accomplishments to Date.”
Atman, C. J. “Engineering Education Research: Some History and Examples from the U.S.,” Opening address to the Danish Centre for Engineering Education Research and Development, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2007.
Atman, C. J. “Describing and Doing Design: Multiple Views of Student and Expert Engineering Designers,” Invited speaker, Tempe, AZ, Arizona State University, January 2007.
Borgford-Parnell, J. “Applying Research to Improve Engineering Student Learning,” nternational CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate) Meeting, Plenary, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Ecole Polytechnique, November 2006.
Borgford-Parnell, J. “How a Purposeful Assessment Plan can Address Multiple Objectives: Improving Student Learning, Improving Teaching, and Grounding Educational Scholarship,” Collaboration to Advance Engineering Education, Pacific Northwest Section, American Society for Engineering Education, Pullman, Wa, Washington State University, April 2006.
Borgford-Parnell, J. “Design Education,” International Design Research Symposium, Panel presentation, Seoul, Korea, November 2006.
Atman, C. J. “Solving Design Problems: A Comparative Study of Engineering Student, Faculty, and Expert Practitioner Design Processes,” Invited speaker, London, UK, The Open University, November 2006.
Atman, C. J. “Solving Design Problems: A Comparative Study of Engineering Student, Faculty, and Expert Practitioner Design Processes,” Invited speaker, Canterbury, UK, University of Kent, September 2006.
Atman, C. J. and Cardella, Monica E. “Engineering Learning Research at the Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching,” American Society for Engineering Education Mathematics and Physics Division Luncheon, Invited speaker, Portland, OR, June 2005.
Atman, C. J. and Turns, J. . “Learning Engineering,” NSF Research, Evaluation and Communication series on Research on Learning in the Disciplines, Invited presentation, Washington, D.C., April 2005.
Atman, C. J., J. Turns, L. Fleming, R. Mathieu. “Looking at Learning,” Invited workshop to be presented at the Course, Curriculum & Laboratory Improvement Conference, Arlington, Virginia, April 2004.
Mathieu, Bob, C. J. Atman. “Teaching as Research,” Invited workshop to be presented at the Course, Curriculum & Laboratory Improvement Conference, Arlington, Virginia, April 2004.
Atman, C. J. “Research Culture for Graduate Students,” Invited panelist at the American Society of Engineering Education Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
Adams, R. S., T. Cummings-Bond. “Career Trajectories in Engineering Education-Where are they now?,” ASEE, Salt Lake City, June 2004.
Atman, C. J. and Lund, D. “Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education,” American Society of Engineering Education Regional Conference, Invited presentation, Seattle, Washington, April 2004.
Atman, C. J., Turns, J., Fleming, L., Mathieu, B. “Looking at Learning,” Course, Curriculum & Laboratory Improvement Conference, Invited workshop, Arlington, VA, April 2004.
Atman, C. J. “Research Culture for Graduate Students,” American Society of Engineering Education Conference , Invited panelist, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
Turns, J. “Linking Research in Learning Sciences and Engineering Education: A Sample of Empirical Studies,” Presentation given to the Nordic Chapter of the IEEE Education Society, Uppsala, Sweden, May 2003.
Adams, Robin S. “Iteration in Engineering Design: Representations from an Empirical Study,” Invited presentation, Design Machines Group, Seattle, Washington, University of Washington, June 2003.
Adams, Robin S. “Directing Connections Between Engineering Students & Engineering Practitioners,” Invited presentation, Ford Design Institute Advisory Board, April 2003.
Atman, C. J., Robin S. Adams and J. Turns. “Building Capacity in Engineering Education,” Invited talk, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, November 2003.
Atman, C. J. “How to Improve Engineering Student Learning,” Invited Presentation, American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Deans Institute, Santa Monica, California, March 2003.
Atman, C. J., Adams. R. S. and Turns, J. “Building Capacity in Engineering Education,” Invited talk, Brisbane, Australia, University of Queensland, November 2003.
Atman, C. J. “How to Improve Engineering Student Learning,” American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Deans Institute, Invited presentation, Santa Monica, CA, March 2003.
Turns, J. “Characterizing Audience for Informational Website Design: A Case Study,” Presentation given to the IBM User Experience Group (hosted by Lori Fisher), Santa Teresa, California, November 2002.
Turns, J. “Thoughts on Learner-centered Design,” Invited presentation given as part of a Web-Ed meeting on design methodologies (hosted by Kurt Kors and the Program for Educational Transformation through Technology, July 2002.
Turns, J. “The Teaching Challenges of Engineering Faculty and The Engineering Teaching Source,” Presentation given as part of the TC521 Series (hosted by Judy Ramey), Seattle, Washington, University of Washington , December 2002.
Atman, C. J., Richard Felder and J. Turns. “How People Learn Engineering: Two Examples and a Call to Action,” Presentation to the National Academy of Engineering Retreat on Engineering Education Research Center, January 2002.
Atman, C. J., Richard Felder and J. E. Turns. “How People Learn Engineering: Two Examples and a Call to Action,” National Academy of Engineering Retreat on Engineering Education Research Centers, Invited presentation, Washington, D.C., January 2002.
Atman, C. J. “What Do Engineering Students Know?,” Invited Keynote Presentation, Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Canterbury, England, June 2001.
Atman, C. J. “Student Learning in Engineering and Design,” Invited presentation, Department of Design and Innovation, Milton Keynes, England, The Open University, June 2001.
Atman, C. J. “Student Learning in Engineering and Design,” Department of Design and Innovation, Invited presentation, Milton Keynes, UK, The Open University, June 2001.
Adams, Robin S. “Two Views into Engineering Student Learning: Iteration in Design Problem Solving and Using Multiple Methods to Evaluate an International Freshmen Design Course,” Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, June 2000.
Atman, C. J., Robin S. Adams, Mike Safoutin, and J. Turns. “Unpacking Design: Four Directions to Understand Engineering Student Design Processes,” Invited presentation, Center for Design Research, Stanford University, October 1999.
Atman, C. J. and J. Turns. “Engineering Student Learning: Research in Design and Knowledge Integration,” Invited presentation, Stanford Learning Lab, Stanford University, October 1999.
Atman, C. J. and J. Turns. “Studying Engineering Design Learning: A Case Study in the Application of Protocol Analysis and the Development of Measures,” Invited presenter for a conference on Knowing and Learning to Design, Stanford Learning Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology, April 1999.
Atman, C. J., Adams. R. S., Safoutin, M., and Turns, J. “Unpacking Design: Four Directions to Understand Engineering Student Design Processes,” Center for Design Research, Invited presentation, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, October 1999.
Atman, C. J. and Turns, J. “Engineering Student Learning: Research in Design and Knowledge Integration,” Stanford Learning Lab, Invited presentation, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, October 1999.
Atman, C. J. and Turns, J. “Studying Engineering Design Learning: A Case Study in the Application of Protocol Analysis and the Development of Measures,” The Conference on Knowing and Learning to Design, Invited presentation, Atlanta, GA, Georgia Institute of Technology, April 1999.
Atman, C. J. “Engineering Student Design Processes,” Invited presenter for a conference on Knowing and Learning to Design, Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh, April 1998.
Atman, C. J. “Engineering Student Design Processes,” Learning Research and Development Center, Invited presentation, Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh, April 1998.
Atman, C. J. “Engineering Student Learning,” Invited workshop presenter for the NASA Administrators Fellowship Program, National Research Council, December 1997.
Atman, C. J. Invited presenter for the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education Program Effectiveness Review, November 1997.
Atman, C. J. “Using Verbal Protocol Analysis to Assess Student Design Learning,” Invited speaker at an NSF workshop on Design Education, Georgia Institute of Technology, September 1997.
Atman, C. J. “Process Knowledge and Prior Knowledge: Some Assessment Challenges,” Invited workshop presenter at the NSF Engineering Education Scholars Workshop, Carnegie Mellon University, July 1997.
Atman, C. J. “Engineering Student Learning ,” NASA Administrators Fellowship Program, Invited workshop, National Research Council, December 1997.
Atman, C. J. NSF Division of Undergraduate Education Program Effectiveness Review, Invited presentation, November 1997.
Atman, C. J. “Using Verbal Protocol Analysis to Assess Student Design Learning,” NSF workshop on Design Education, Invited presentation, Atlanta, GA, Georgia Institute of Technology, September 1997.
Atman, C. J. “Process Knowledge and Prior Knowledge: Some Assessment Challenges,” NSF Engineering Education Scholars Workshop, Invited workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, Carnegie Mellon University, July 1997.
Atman, C. J. “Assessment in Engineering Education,” Invited workshop presenter at the American Association of Environmental Engineering Education and Practice Conference, August 1996.
Atman, C. J. “Assessment in Engineering Education,” American Association of Environmental Engineering Education and Practice Conference, Invited workshop, August 1996.
Atman, C. J. “The Problem of Problem Solving,” Invited speaker at the NSF Workshop on Assessment for Engineering Coalition schools, July 1995.
Atman, C. J., Leifer, L., Miller, Ronald L., and Olds, Barbara M. “Innovative Assessment Opportunities,” A National Technological University Satellite broadcast to the U.S. engineering education community, Invited workshop, 1995.
Atman, C. J. “The Problem of Problem Solving,” NSF Workshop on Assessment for Engineering Coalition schools, Invited presentation, July 1995.
Atman, C. J., Indira Nair, and Heather Nachtmann. “Do Engineers and Humanities Majors Perceive STS Issues Differently?,” Invited talk, Bucknell University, October 1994.
Atman, C. J. “Risk Communication,” Invited seminar speaker, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, September 1994.
Atman, C. J., Nair, Indira, and Nachtmann, Heather. “Do Engineers and Humanities Majors Perceive STS Issues Differently?,” Invited presentation, Bucknell University, October 1994.