Chemistry Division
Special Libraries Association

Chemistry Division Program-Los Angeles
June 8-13, 2002

For a complete list of rooms and meeting locations, go to the SLA Conference Home Page

Saturday June 8

Chemistry and Chemical Librarianship for Non-Chemists
Saturday, Jun 08, 2002
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

The course consists of 3 sections: * An introduction to the concepts of chemistry that are most useful to the information professional; * A survey of the most important reference tools, both print and electronic; * Provision of the proper "frames of reference" to help the information professional analyze chemistry-related questions and relate them to appropriate reference tools

Cost members $199 non-members $249

Sunday, June 9

7th Quadrennial Trisociety Symposium I
Sunday, Jun 09, 2002
Westin Bonaventure Avalon Room

Detailed Program with Abstracts

The Trisociety Symposium is a joint venture of the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Information, Chemistry Division of the Special Libraries Association and the American Society for Information Science and Technology Special Interest Group on Scientific and Technical Information Systems. Its aim is to advance co-operation among the chemical information professionals of the three participating societies by holding a joint one day symposium on a topic of mutual interest every four years. This will be the seventh symposium.

8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

"Electronic Chemistry Collections: Dealing with Chemistry Resources in Electronic Formats" is this events's theme. Held every four years, the aim is to advance co-operation among the chemical information professionals of the three sponsoring societies, (ASIST STI-SIG, ACS-CINF and the SLA, Chemistry Division) through a joint symposium. All are welcome. Sponsored by American Chemical Society Publications Division

7th Quadrennial Trisociety No-host Lunch
Sunday, Jun 09, 2002
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

A chance to meet and talk informally with other attendees of the Trisociety Meeting. No-host lunch at a local restaurant.

7th Quadrennial Trisociety Symposium II
Sunday, Jun 09, 2002
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

"Electronic Chemistry Collections: Dealing with Chemistry Resources in Electronic Formats" is this event's theme. Held every four years, the aim is to advance co-operation among the chemical information professionals of the three sponsoring societies, (ASIST STI-SIG, ACS-CINF and the SLA Chemistry Division) through a joint symposium. All are welcome.

DCHE Board Meeting I
Sunday, Jun 09, 2002
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Chemistry Division board meeting with 2000-2001 officers and committee chairs. Open to all division members.

DCHE ACS/CAS Reception
Sunday, Jun 09, 2002
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Westin Bonaventure San Diego Room

This annual dessert reception is sponsored by the American Chemical Society and Chemical Abstracts Service. Members from Chemistry, Biomedical & Live Sciences, Environmental & Resource Management, and Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Divisions are invited to attend.

Monday June 10

DCHE Annual Business Meeting and Breakfast
Monday, Jun 10, 2002
Westin Bonaventure San Fernando Room
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM

All division members are invited to attend the annual business meeting and breakfast. Meet your new officers, network with colleagues and find out about divisional activities.

Cost: $5

Sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry

Chemistry Corporate Roundtable
Monday, Jun 10, 2002
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Join us for this annual favorite -- a chance for free flowing discussions of current issues facing us in our daily work. Come prepared with your favorite "how do you..." questions and "I use..." tips to share. Please send suggested topics to Dawn French at Hope to see you there!

Report on Corporate Roundtable by Denise Callihan

Image from Corporate roundtable

Sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry

Chemistry Vendor Roundtable
Monday, Jun 10, 2002
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center, Room 408 B

This annual session will feature speakers presenting new product information with each presentation followed by questions from the audience. The following vendors will make presentations:

Report on session by Svetlana Korolev

Sponsored by American Chemical Society Publications Division

Tuesday June 11

Teaching Science Information: Taking Users to the Next Level
Tuesday, Jun 11, 2002
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

This poster session will focus on innovative or non-traditional methods and materials used by librarians and information professionals to educate users in the sciences. Attendees will be able to view posters and speak to the poster presenters at their leisure.

Abstracts for Posters

Scenes from the Poster Session, Part 1

Scenes from the Poster Session, Part 2

Sponsored by ISI

Winners Circle of Web Sites
Tuesday, Jun 11, 2002
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

The annual roundup of web sites takes a different course this year by reviewing the applied sciences of Pharmacy/Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Medicine.

Toxicology by Debbie Jan

Medicinal by Christina Keil

Secrets of Spectroscopy Revealed
Tuesday, Jun 11, 2002
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Bio, Abstracts, Presentations

Report on Secrets of Spectroscopy by Robert Powers

Learn the basics of spectroscopy including what it is, a listing and description of the various types, key parameters that chemists are seeking, and key sources where key parameters can be found. This talk will be especially valuable to science librarians who receive questions related to spectroscopy.

Sponsored by John Wiley & Sons

Wednesday June 12

DCHE Board Meeting II
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2002
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Chemistry division board meeting with 2002-2003 officers and committee chairs. All division members are encouraged to attend and help with planning for next year's activities.

Sponsored by American Chemical Society Publications Division

Genomics, Proteomics and Sequence Databases
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2002
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Report on program by Jim Martin

Tennant Presentation

Secrets learned through the study of the genome and proteome are transforming biochemistry, medicine, and related scientific disciplines. Join us as a molecular biologist explores the science of sequences and sequence information. Two librarians will then introduce and discuss the major sequence information resources freely available over the web.

Polymers & Plastics Roundtable: What are they: What do I need to know to find the information I need?
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2002
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Report on Roundtable by Ben Wagner

Zabilski Presentation

Longaberger Presentation

We're surrounded by polymers but what's the best way to find out more information about them? How are they made? What are the different types? How can I find out about their properties? Join us for an opportunity to learn from some specialists and share what you know.

How to Say No - Gracefully
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2002
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

If you're the girl - or guy - who can't say no, this is the session for you! Learn how to tell people "no" gracefully and with panache. You'll gain control over your time and energy again, and people will still like you!

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Comments to:
Susanne J. Redalje
Chemistry Division

Copyright©2002 SLA All Rights Reserved
This page updated July 2002