Clawpack 4.3 Download

Newer verions

Please note that newer versions of Clawpack are available. See for more information.

Download options

You may download all the available software, some major components or just the files associated with one of the available applications.

Please register before downloading.

Please review the copyright notice before downloading.

The entire CLAWPACK software

claw.tar.gz (443 kB)    Does not contain the applications or extensions directory... see below.

Installation instructions:

  1. Create a directory, e.g. /home/someuser/claw

  2. cd to /home/someuser/claw

  3. copy the the claw.tar.gz file to /home/someuser/claw

  4. unpack it with: tar -zxvf claw.tar.gz

  5. set the CLAW environment variable to point to the directory: setenv CLAW /home/someuser/claw.

  6. after unpacking the claw.tar.gz file may be erased.

Major components


CLAWPACK library routines (168 kB)


Matlab scripts for visualization of results (44 kB)


Old versions of Matlab scripts from Version 4.1(23 kB)


The Adaptive Mesh Refinement version of CLAWPACK (207 kB)


All the available applications (180 kB) (click here for individual applications)


All the available extensions (42 kB) (click here for individual extensions)

Installation instructions:

  1. cd to the CLAW directory, e.g. /home/someuser/claw

  2. copy the downloaded .tar.gz files to that directory

  3. unpack them with: tar zxvf filename.tar.gz

  4. erase the .tar.gz files you no longer need.

CLAWPACK applications

If you already have the major CLAWPACK components, you may want to download just the applications you're interested in. In order to do this, please browse the Applications page. There are links which permit download of entire application families or individual applications. The Applications section tends to get updated somewhat more frequently than the major CLAWPACK components, so you might want to check it out a bit more frequently. You're also welcome to upload an application so others can share your experience with CLAWPACK.


Archive of Previous Versions

Version 4.2:

Version 4.1:

Version 4.0:

CLAWPACK is no longer available in netlib. Version 3.0 can be obtained here instead....


Version 3.0 of CLAWPACK


Original Version of AMRCLAW