Albert F. Fuchs, Ph.D.


Department of Physiology and Biophysics

Dr Fuchs has extensive expertise in the recording of brainstem neurons in awake behaving non-human primates.  He is also an expert on the vestibulo-ocular reflex and the neurophysiology of vestibular pathways within the brain.  Dr. Fuchs supervises the neural recording experiments in rhesus monkeys, and participates in all of the chronic stimulation experiments.  He participates in recording sessions, in the analysis of data, and in the writing and publication of manuscripts related to this project.

Education (top)±

  • 1967-1968 - Post-Doc, Neurophysiology :: University of Freiburg, West Germany
  • 1966-1967 - Post-Doc, Biomedical Engineering :: John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
  • 1966 - Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering :: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
  • 1961 - M.S., Medical Instrumentation :: Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, PA
  • 1960 - B.S. Electrical Engineering :: Drexel Institute off Technology, Philadelphia, PA

Research / Teaching Experience (top)±

  • 1969-1972 - Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology & Biophysics
    University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
  • 1969-present - Core Staff, Regional Primate Research Center
    University of Washington, Seattle WA
  • 1972-1977 - Associate Professor, Department of Physiology & Biophysics
    University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
  • 1974-1975 - Acting Assistant Director, Regional Primate Research Center
    University of Washington, Seattle, WA
  • 1977-present - Professor, Department of Physiology & Biophysics
    University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
  • 1986-1989 - Vision B Study Section :: NIH
  • 2006-present - Acting Assistant Director, Neurophysiology Division Head, Regional Primate Research Center :: University of Washington, Seattle WA

Specific and Technical Accomplishments(top)±


  • Tau Beta Pi
  • Eta Kappa Nu
  • Phi Kappa Phi
  • Sigma Xi
  • Samuel A. Talbot Award, 1969
  • Fellow of the Josiah Macy Foundation, 1976 - 77
  • MERIT Award National Eye Institute, NIH, 1989 - 99

Goode, C. T., Carey, J. P., Fuchs, A. F. and Rubel. E. W  Recovery of the vestibulo-colic reflex following aminoglycoside ototoxicity in the domestic chicken. Journal of Neurophysiology 81:1025-1035, 1999.

Phillips, J. O., Ling, L. and Fuchs, A. F.  Behavior of the brain-stem saccade generator during horizontal gaze shifts with the head unrestrained. I. Discharge patterns of omnidirectional pause neurons. (OPNs) Journal of Neurophysiology 81:1284-1295, 1999.

Newlands, S. D., Ling, L., Phillips, J. O., Siebold, C., Duckert, L. and Fuchs, A. F. Short- and long-term consequences of canal plugging on gaze shifts in the rhesus monkey. I. Effects on gaze stabilization. Journal of Neurophysiology 81:2119-2130, 1999.

Noto, C. T., Watanabe, S. and Fuchs, A. F.  Characteristics of adaptation fields produced by behavioral changes in saccadic gain and direction. Journal of Neurophysiology  81:2798-2813, 1999.

Fukushima, K., Fukushima, J., Kaneko, C. R. S. and Fuchs, A. F.  Vertical Purkinje cells of the floccular lobe of trained monkeys: simple-spike activity during vertical pursuit and passive whole body rotation. Journal of Neurophysiology 82:787-803, 1999.

Ling, L., Fuchs, A. F., Phillips, J. O. and Freedman, E. G.  An apparent dissociation between saccadic eye movements and the firing patterns of their pre-motor and motor neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 82: 2808-2811, 1999.

Watanabe, S., Noto, C. T. and Fuchs, A. F.  Flexibility of saccade adaptation in the monkey: different gain states for similar saccades. Experimental Brain Research 130: 169-176, 2000.

Shafer, J., Noto, C. T. and Fuchs, A. F.  Temporal characteristics of visual error signals driving saccadic gain adaptation in the macaque monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 84: 88-95, 2000.

Pong, M. and Fuchs, A. F.  The pupillary light reflex in the monkey: metrics. Journal of Neurophysiology 84:953-963, 2000.

Pong, M. and Fuchs, A. F.  The pupillary light reflex in the monkey: discharge patterns of pretectal neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 84: 964-974, 2000.

Goode, C. T., Maney, D. L., Rubel, E. W and Fuchs, A. F.  Visual influences on the development and recovery of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in the chicken.  Journal of Neurophysiology 85: 1119-1128, 2001.

Robinson, F. R. & Fuchs, A. F.  The role of the cerebellum in voluntary eye movements. Annual Review of Neuroscience 24: 981-1004, 2001.

Tusa, R. J., Mustari, M. J., Burrows, A. F. and Fuchs, A. F.  Gaze-stabilizing deficits and latent nystagmus in monkeys with brief, early-onset visual deprivation: eye movement recordings. Journal of Neurophysiology 86:651-661, 2001.

Mustari, M. J., Tusa, R. J., Burrows, A. F., Fuchs, A. F. and Livingston, C. A.  Gaze-stabilizing deficits and latent nystagmus in monkeys with brief, early-onset visual deprivation: role of the pretectal NOT. Journal of Neurophysiology 86:662-675, 2001.

Soetedjo, R., Kaneko, C. R. S. and Fuchs, A. F. Evidence that the superior colliculus participates in the feedback control of saccadic eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology 87:679-695,2002.

Scudder, C.A., Kaneko, C.R.S. and Fuchs, A. F. The brainstem burst generator for saccadic eye movements: a modern synthesis.  Experimental Brain Research 142:439-462, 2002.

Soetedjo, R., Kaneko, C. R. S. and Fuchs, A. F. Evidence against a moving hill in the superior colliculus during saccadic eye movements in the monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 87: 2778-2789, 2002.

Robinson, F.R., Fuchs, A. F. and Noto, C. T. Cerebellar influences on saccadic plasticity. Annals N.Y. Academy of Sciences 956:155-164, 2002.

Hopp, J. and Fuchs, A. F. Investigating the site of human saccadic gain adaptation with targeting and express saccades. Experimental Brain Research 144:538-548, 2002.

Fuchs, A. F. The cerebellum as a device for the coordination of movement.  Summary of presentations and of discussion.  Ann. NY Academy.of Sciences 978: 1-4, 2002.

Brettler, S., Fuchs, A. F. & Ling, L.  Discharge patterns of cerebellar output neurons in the caudal fastigial nucleus during head-free gaze shifts in primates. In: The Ocular Motor and Vestibular System:Their Functions and Disorders, edited by T. Brandt, B. Cohen and C. Siebold. Annals New York Academy of Sciences 1004: 61-68, 2003.

Hopp, J. and Fuchs, A. F. The characteristics and neuronal substrate of saccadic plasticity.  Progress in Neurobiology 72: 27-53, 2004.

Takeichi N, Kaneko CR, Fuchs AF. Discharge of monkey nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis neurons changes during saccade adaptation.  J Neurophysiol. 2005 Sep;94(3):1938-51. Epub 2005 May 25.

Fuchs AF, Ling L, Phillips JO.    Behavior of position-vestibular pause (PVP) interneurons of the vestibulo-ocular reflex during head-free gaze shifts in the monkey J Neurophysiol. 2005 Aug 24; [Epub ahead of print]

Other Pertinent Publications (top)

Lisberger SG, Fuchs AF. Role of primate flocculus during rapid behavioral modification of vestibuloocular reflex. II. Mossy fiber firing patterns during horizontal head rotation and eye movement. J Neurophysiol. 1978 May;41(3):764-77.

Magnin M, Fuchs AF.            Discharge properties of neurons in the monkey thalamus tested with angular acceleration, eye movement and visual stimuli. Exp Brain Res. 1977 28(3-4):293-9.

Evinger LC, Fuchs AF, Baker R. Bilateral lesions of the medial longitudinal fasciculus in monkeys: effects on the horizontal and vertical components of voluntary and vestibular induced eye movements.Exp Brain Res. 1977 May 23;28(1-2):1-20.

King WM, Lisberger SG, Fuchs AF.            Responses of fibers in medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) of alert monkeys during horizontal and vertical conjugate eye movements evoked by vestibular or visual stimuli.  J Neurophysiol. 1976 Nov;39(6):1135-49.

Fuchs AF, Kimm J.  Unit activity in vestibular nucleus of the alert monkey during horizontal angular acceleration and eye movement. J Neurophysiol. 1975 Sep;38(5):1140-61.

Gardner EP, Fuchs AF. Single-unit responses to natural vestibular stimuli and eye movements in deep cerebellar nuclei of the alert rhesus monkey. J Neurophysiol. 1975 May;38(3):627-49.

Lisberger SG, Fuchs AF. Response of flocculus Purkinje cells to adequate vestibular stimulation in the alert monkey: fixation vs. compensatory eye movements.  Brain Res. 1974 Apr 5;69(2):347-53.

Chubb MC, Fuchs AF, Scudder CA.Neuron activity in monkey vestibular nuclei during vertical vestibular stimulation and eye movements. J Neurophysiol. 1984 Oct;52(4):724-42.

Chubb MC, Fuchs AF.            Contribution of y group of vestibular nuclei and dentate nucleus of cerebellum to generation of vertical smooth eye movements.  J Neurophysiol. 1982;48:75-99.

Phillips JO, Robinson FR, Fuchs AF. Two-dimensional eye movement and vestibular responses in primate brain stem. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1992 May 22;656:950-3.

Scudder CA, Fuchs AF.  Physiological and behavioral identification of vestibular nucleus neurons mediating the horizontal vestibuloocular reflex in trained rhesus monkeys.
J Neurophysiol. 1992 Jul;68(1):244-64.

McFarland JL, Fuchs AF.  Discharge patterns in nucleus prepositus hypoglossi and adjacent medial vestibular nucleus during horizontal eye movement in behaving macaques.
J Neurophysiol. 1992 Jul;68(1):319-32.

Robinson FR, Phillips JO, Fuchs AF.            Coordination of gaze shifts in primates: brainstem inputs to neck and extraocular motoneuron pools. J Comp Neurol. 1994 Aug 1;346(1):43-62.

Fuchs, AF., Reiner, D and Pong, M.  Transfer of gain changes from targeting to other types of saccade in the monkey: constraints on possible sites of saccadic gain adaptation.  Journal of Neurophysiology 74: 2522-2535, 1996.

Carey, John P., Fuchs, Albert F., and Rubel, E. W  Hair cell regeneration and recovery of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in the avian vestibular system.  Journal of Neurophysiology 76: 3301-3312 1996.

Phillips, J. O., Ling, L., Siebold, C. and Fuchs, A.F.  Behavior of primate VOR neurons and vestibular neurons during head-free gaze shifts.  Annals of the New York Academy of Science 781: 276-291, 1996.

Carey JP, Fuchs AF, Rubel E. Hair cell regeneration and vestibulo-ocular reflex recovery.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1996 Jun 19;781:47-58.

Mustari, M. J., Fuchs, A. F. and Pong, M.  Response properties of pretectal omnidirectional pause neurons in the behaving primate.  Journal of Neurophysiology 77: 116-125, 1997.

Straube, Andreas, Fuchs, Albert F., Usher, S. and Robinson, Farrel R.  Characteristics of saccadic gain adaptation in Rhesus macaques.  Journal of Neurophysiology 77: 874-895, 1997.

Phillips, J. O., Finocchio, D. V., Ong, L. and Fuchs, A. F.  Smooth pursuit in 1- to 4-month-old human infants.  Vision Research 37: 3009-3020, 1997.

Robinson, F. R., Straube, A. and Fuchs, A. F.  Participation of the caudal fastigial nucleus in smooth-pursuit eye movements.  II. Effects of muscimol inactivation.  Journal of Neurophysiology 78: 848-859, 1997.

Straube, Andreas, Robinson, F. R. and Fuchs, A. F.  Decrease in saccadic performance after many visually guided saccadic eye movements in monkeys. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 38: 2810-2816, 1997.

Phillips, J. O., Fuchs, A. F., Ling, L., Iwamoto, Y. and Votaw, S.  Gain adaptation of eye and head movement components of simian gaze shifts.  Journal of Neurophysiology 78: 2817-2821, 1997.

Wallman, J. and Fuchs, A. F.  Saccadic gain modification: visual error drives motor adaptation.  Journal of Neurophysiology 80: 2405-2416, 1998

Grants (top)±

2RO1EY00745 – Fuchs, AF, Principal Investigator
Source NIH/NEI

The major goals of this project are to reveal the premotor signals leading to the production of gaze shifts.