Lab News


We have yet another PhD grad today – Dr. Gideon Dunster successfully defended his thesis on sleep quality and academic performance! Gideon is now doing his postdoc in the lab of Dr. Kathleen Merikangas at NIMH. Congratulations Gideon!


Maca successfully defended her thesis today! She’s off to start a postdoc in Dr. Jeff Noebels’ lab at Baylor College of Medicine. Congratulations Dr. Maca, we’ll miss you!


Ray’s first first-author paper was just published in the journal Sleep!


The de la Iglesia lab has accepted FOUR new graduate students into the lab for their thesis research – Alex Neitz, Alicia Rice, Asad Beck and Emily Brown. Welcome all!


The de la Iglesia lab undergraduates had an impressive showing at the UW Mary Gates Undergraduate Research Symposium this Friday, with Angeline presenting a poster on rhythms of clock gene expression in peripheral oscillators, Luis giving a talk on fear entrainment of circadian rhythms, and Lais giving a talk on Dravet syndrome and the SCN. Congratulations to all!


Leandro is co-author on a new paper out in Scientific Reports about the mismatch between perceived family and individual chronotypes and their associations with sleep-wake patterns. Congratulations Lea!


Stephanie’spaper on the role of arcuate hypothalamic kisspeptin neurons in circadian rhythms and metabolism is now out in Current Biology. Congratulations Stephanie, and best of luck starting your new lab!


Gideon’s paper on sleep and high school start times published in Science Advances has been getting quite a bit of attention in the media and is having a real impact on bell time policy in high schools around the world. Congratulations Gideon!