I’m interested in studying human biological rhythms of wake and sleep under uncommon conditions and environments. One of my projects involves the study of native communities in the North region of Argentina, some of which have no access to electricity. My objective is to determine how the availability of artificial electric light affects people’s timing of sleep and activity, and how natural cues such as seasons and Moon phases can modulate these effects.
My second project aims to measure the amount and quality of sleep of homeless young adults in the city of Seattle. Our objective is to contribute with good-quality data to the design and implementation of programs looking to improve homeless sheltering and housing conditions.
I engaged in chronobiological research for the first time as an undergrad in the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes in Argentina in 2005. In 2015 I obtained my Ph.D. in Science and Technology for the development and characterization of a murine model of human shift-work. Before coming to the UW, I completed a postdoctoral appointment doing research on social cognition in children and adults at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires.
When not doing research, I proudly serve on the executive board of UAW Local 4121, the labor union representing all UW academic student employees and postdoctoral scholars.