Podcast: From the Streets of Paris to Auschwitz – The Roundup at the Vel D’Hiv

Autumn 2020

By Casey Robison (Autumn 2020 student) The Vél d’Hiv “roundup” of French Jews was orchestrated almost entirely by the Vichy regime, and executed entirely by French police officers, making it different from previous arrests, which had typically involved the Gestapo. Listen to From the Streets of Paris to Auschwitz here. Bibliography Primary Sources Szwieca sisters on the […]

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Podcast: Multiculturalism and Racial Conflict in LA’s “Little Bronze Tokyo,” 1941-1947

Autumn 2020

By Wendi Zhou (Autumn 2020 student)  After the end of Japanese American internment, many Japanese Americans returned to their homes in LA’s “Little Tokyo” to find it nicknamed “Bronzeville.” The area had been settled by African-American migrants who moved west during the Great Migration. This podcast explores the racial tensions and multi-cultural alliances that emerged […]

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Data Science Project: Did the Professional or Voluntary Status of Nurses in World War I Shape How They Reflect on Their Wartime Experiences?

Autumn 2020

By Devin Deatrich (Autumn 2020 student) The following embedded visualizations were created using Voyant. These are shown as examples, we encourage you to see more of Devin’s visualizations by following the links in the footnotes of the project reflection below. Cirrus Visualization of most common words in Testament of Youth (vis. 10 in footnotes): Cirrus […]

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Podcast: Was Pearl Harbor a Surprise Attack?

Autumn 2020

By Cindy Arias (Autumn 2020 student) Listen to Was Pearl Harbor A Surprise Attack? here. Bibliography:Capra, Everest. “Everest Capra.” National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 18 July 2016, www.nps.gov/valr/learn/historyculture/everest-capra.htm. Grew, Joseph. “The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State.” U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State, 1941. https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1941v04/d11. Turn, Richmond. Letter […]

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