Green Screens

Description: greenfence.jpg
Fig. 4. The wire-net system is more flexible than cables and is pre-fabricated to a specific design (Source.

Supporting Structure. Several types of technological innovations including trellises, rigid panels, and cable systems can be used to create the support system and separate vegetation from adjacent surfaces.  Typically, systems use high tensile steel placed with vertical and horizontal cables, connected with cross clamps and anchors. This system allows for varied sizes and patterns. Two frequently used systems, the Modular Trellis Panel and Cable and Wire-Rope systems are described below.

Modular Trellis Panel Systems are a modular, light-weight, three-dimensional panel made from galvanized steel wire.  Panels are rigid and so can span between structures or used as freestanding walls.

Cable and Wire-Rope Net Systems are comprised of either cables and/or a wire-net and have extremely flexible applications. Cables are used for faster growing plants that have denser foliage while wire-nets are usually used for slower growing plants that need more support.   

Vegetation. Green screens will support a variety of different vegetation types, ranging from fast-growing vines, flowers, shrubs, and even agriculture. Less woody vines with flexible stems are the most appropriate for weaving into panels. Vegetation should be selected for vigorous growth, cultural value, and attraction to wildlife, but it is also important to carefully select plants based on geographic region and microclimate.

Irrigation. Green screens are a living system and will need access to some degree of water. Many systems are watered by means of simple drip irrigation or occasionally spray irrigation via perforated pipes. Depending on the program, grey water recycling may be utilized but no such case study has been found.

Soil. Vertical gardens can grow both with and without soil. Growing medium should provide needed nutrient levels and depth for the selected plant types. This further depends on the design of the system and site conditions.