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Camp Daily Summaries
written by Flint Million

Day One... Camp Courage welcomed the new and old campers to the College Preview camp. Old friends and new campers met and talked. The staff this year includes Sheryl Burgstahler, director of the DO-IT program at Washington University; Kris Rosenberg, who works for DO-IT and computer camps during the summer; Rick Light, a math teacher from Wisconsin who works at Camp Courage during the summer; Alissa Light, who is running the advanced movie editing lab this year, and Flint Million, myself, who will be entering college this fall. We started out with a basic presentation on "What is the Internet" and a little about how it works. Many campers got started with signing up for their own E-mail address and sending a little E-mail.

Day Two... Today was E-mail day!! Kris and Sheryl discussed how to use an E-mail account, and all of the campers got their own Email accounts with such sites as Yahoo! and Hotmail. The campers all practiced sending E-mail to DO-IT mentors. Another exercise was to send me a bio that would be posted on this web page.

Day Three... Kris gave the campers a presentation about how to stay safe while online. The campers, with their new knowledge, began surfing the Net for some good Web sites that could be posted on to this web page!

Day Four... College Visit Day! We all got a break from the bugs and humidity of camp by taking a field trip to the College of St. Benedict. Everybody's favorite part of the tour was the wonderful food provided for lunch, but the tour was also very informative and it helped us all think about college in a new way.

Day Five... Sheryl was gone at a conference in Nevada, so Kris and I gave a presentation about creation of web pages, and in particular, how to make web pages more accessible. We also discussed researching colleges on the Net and gave the campers time to explore different colleges online at

Day Six... Today was a little laid back, so sessions didn't start until 11:00 AM. It gave everybody a little extra time to get rested up for the remaining few days. During the session Roger Upcraft, camp director, discussed tips for writing a resume and going to a job interview. The campers all had a chance to practice being at a job interview and many also had time to write their resumes.

Day Seven... Campers worked on finding links for this web page as well as sending more E-mail to DO-IT participants. In the afternoon, Dave Burgstahler, an accounting professor at the University of Washington, gave a great presentation on how to talk with professors about accommodations and allowed the campers to get a little experience talking to a real professor!

Day Eight... Today was the last day of the session this year. We started out with a presentation from me about the various internal parts of a computer.

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