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Obtaining a Ph.D. 

On-line Portfolios

On-line portfolios go beyond traditional CVs and resumes to give a multi-faceted view of the author's teaching and professional experiences.  The following are links to portfolio designs, tools, and examples from around the country.  Although they are not all specifically designed for doctoral students, the format and content of these portfolios could be adapted for students at all stages of their doctoral careers.  

"Portfolio Preparation" resources are useful for brainstorming, identifying and organizing potentially useful skills and information.  "General Portfolio Resources" are well-developed portfolio programs created for a variety of audiences and purposes.  "Discipline-Specific Graduate Student Portfolios" offer sample portfolios from a range of graduate disciplines.  "Teaching Portfolio Resources" are on-line resources useful for developing the content of a teaching portfolio, whether on paper or on the web.


Portfolio Preparation

College Outcomes on the Web (University of Oregon)  This on-line file is the precursor to a portfolio.  It allows students to document abilities and skills that have consistently been identified by colleges, universities, and employers as important for entry into many career paths.  For a matrix of these skills, see "Getting Started."  

Dartmouth Portfolios (Dartmouth College)  This electronic file documents competencies developed through internships, community development opportunities, coursework, and research experiences.  The examples of skills provides a starting point for portfolio development.


General Portfolios Resources

Alverno's Diagnostic Digital Portfolio  Although this tool is designed for undergraduates, it provides a useful model of a diagnostic, developmental portfolio.  The Diagnostic Digital Portfolio allows students, faculty, and academic staff to upload assignments, feedback and self assessments for review, along with student reflections on key courses, internships and volunteer work.

Career Portfolio (Florida State University)  Offers a portfolio slide show, conference presentations, supporting documents, portfolio bibliography, and list of developers.  See a sample portfolio with sections including a profile, skills, resume, transcript, artifacts, and references.

Electronic Portfolios (AAHE)  Links to AAHE's publication (Electronic Portfolios), the Portfolio Clearinghouse (see below), and the Urban Universities Portfolio Project.

Electronic Teaching Portfolio  View teaching portfolios by K-12 teachers, graduate students, and professors.

Kalamazoo College Portfolio (Kalamazoo College)  These on-line portfolios gather the coursework, skills and experiences that undergraduates have accumulated over four years and allow students to present their significant academic and experiential work in one place.  For a matrix of the skills and materials contained in the portfolio, see "Portfolio Framework."

Peer Review of Teaching (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)  Participating faculty members peer-reviewed each other's teaching and incorporated the suggestions into on-line course portfolios.  

Portfolio Clearinghouse (AAHE)  Search the American Association for Higher Education's database for portfolio programs geared towards career/resume development, program assessment, student evaluation, document collection, and more.

Student Portfolio System (Illinois State University)  Provides students with an assessment tool, where students and faculty alike can address competencies shown in coursework and  activities, and a career preparation tool, including a resume and the student's responses to interview questions. 


Discipline-Specific Graduate Student Portfolios

Art Education (University of Iowa)  

Business and the Humanities (Indiana University)

Photo Journalism (University of Texas)  

Theatre Arts Department (Virginia Tech)


Teaching Portfolio Resources

The Art of Teaching, Session 2: Using Portfolios to Improve and Evaluate Teaching  Explains how to develop course portfolios, teaching portfolios, and gives links to various online resources for each.

Developing a Teaching Portfolio (Center for Instructional Development and Research, University of Washington)  Offers a collection of articles giving general guidelines for creating a teaching or course portfolio as well as additional on-line resources and publications.

Teaching Dossier Preparation (University of British Columbia)  Provides guidelines, suggestions and questions for putting together a teaching dossier.

Teaching Perspectives Inventory  This free on-line inventory provides teachers with an assessment of their perception of the teaching process.

Teaching Portfolio (Washington State University)  Gives an outline of suggested materials and information to include in a teaching portfolio, two sample portfolios, and a list of references.


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