Population Health Forum
Advocating for Action to Create a Healthier Society


World Health Organization (WHO) - Health Topics
English | Spanish

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
English | Spanish

Community Coalition for Environmental Justice

Center for Ecogenetics and Environmental Health Community Partnerships

OneLook dictionary search
Searches general and specialized dictionaries such as Dorland's and Stedman's

UFCW "Friends and Allies "

Global Fairness reading list from the AFL-CIO site

Income Inequality
Congressman's Sabo's site

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Analysis of 1996 Census Bureau poverty, income, and health data (Rev. 10/14/97)

United for a Fair Economy

MAP of Work and Health-The California Wellness Foundation

The Inequality Project

Population Health in Canada
Clyde Hertzman, from University of British Columbia in Vancouver Canada, has been looking at the big picture of health and trying to link information on individual with that on populations. He is especially interested in the effects of early childhood, even before birth, on later health. The link below is to an outline of his lecture "Another Tale from the Frozen North: Evolution of the Concept of 'Population Health' in Canada and its Impact on Public Policy." (Delivered October 6, 1998 at the University of Washington)